Since the victory for the parents in the case of a classified preschool child who was offered an IEP by the district that included a placement in a non sectarian albeit unapproved placement that was not honored by the district until ordered to do so, the district has been subject to countless lawsuits of parents and guardians. The district’s arguments being categorically rejected involving children who should have been classified but were not, children who should have been evaluated but were denied, and children who were denied special education programming. All of the parents and guardians have been successfully represented by Michael I. Inzelbuch – the former Board attorney.
Despite previous conditions and actions causing much grief to parents/guardians – and a waste of resources, it appears – based on the Board Agenda for this evening’s meeting, that there is change of direction on the horizon.
Specifically, on Pages 34 -35, Paragraphs 21 and 23 of the Board Agenda, no less than seventeen (17) students are being approved for placements in unapproved and sectarian programs despite the district’s current board attorneys, the district’s previous board attorneys, and the Supervisor of Special Services apparently taking the position that same was not permitted at least until this week.
Former Board attorney and special education consultant Michael I. Inzelbuch, when contacted, would not comment other than to say that, “The wild west has become less wild and finally the Board will hopefully again recognize that unique needs of Lakewood kids – public kids. As far as the lawyers actions and those of the supervisor, I can’t explain it other than to say “Welcome aboard and while appreciating their apparent changed position but hope they understand that the law is not just for Lakewood but should also be applied in Jackson and the other places they operate.” [TLS]
I heard the BOE is stopping to fund shadows. Are they legally allowed to do that?
all i know is my daughter has paid for a shadow and has to pay thousands out of pocket to educate her special needs children.
If you can’t win on the inside then win on the outside.
The time has come to throw out the Board and the Administration
to number one, did you read the attached document? on pages 34-35 it shows costs for aides for students.
go michael go
Thank you Michael I!!
MR I is all about the children. he wont ever stop. he wont go away.
But what about all the non-public children still being denied services by the Board? Who is advocating for them?
Its time the board realize that Michael is a recognized expert in education law throughout the state. The board would be smart to utilize Mr. Inzelbuch’s services instead of fighting a costly losing battle!!!!!!!
How much more time and money needs to be wasted. We need Michael back!! Michael is recognized as an expert in education law throughout the state, why are we not using our very own resource! Face it guys We need Michael back!!
thanks michael for all that you do.