Police Chief Rob Lawson tells TLS he has met with School Superintendent Lydia Silva asking for increased curriculum of the history of the Holocaust, following a bias incident which took place at the school. “Learning about the Holocaust will increase sensitivity”, says the Chief, and will make them understand how hurtful statments such as ‘Heil Hitler’ are.
The Chief added that implementing additional studies will not just increase awareness in regards to the Jewish people, but also about persecution of people of color and other religions.
“I hope this will give them a deeper understanding”, Lawson says.
Earlier this week, Mayor Miller along with other Township officials called for an investigation into the incident at the High School, in which students on a school bus yelled ‘Heil Hitler’ and gave the Nazi salute to several Jewish families during Yom Tov. TLS.
How bout teaching american history in the “private”schools
They scream hurtful things to be hurtful, they know what the holocaust was- they don’t care. School isn’t going to change these kids, they need parenting.
waaaaaaa, they`re kids. kids say dumb things. there is an old saying that “children are the most hurtful people in the world!!” let it rest.
Absurd craziness! Thats all I can say. How does upping the teachings of the holocaust make the kids less hurtfull or want to say mean things. This is so stupid. I also agree with #1, I know they do not teach American History in private schools of Lakewood. Teaching white people about slavery didnt make kids stop saying racial remarks about them, teaching blacks about the civil war didnt make them stop making racial remarks about whites. It is a cycle that has to be broken in society, not just through diversity education but in the home. When Johnnys daddy makes racist remarks about the jews or the blacks then Johnny thinks its ok.
If they did know a little of history they would know they would also be headed for concentration camps also since I am sure the Mexicans an blacks do not have blue eyes and blond hair. So let them yell it they look like fools.
children or kids repeat what they heard at home
We do teach American history in our private schools.
How about arresting the thugs who barked this slur in the first place?
can I yell (moderated) in front of African Amercans and not be held accountable? no. Why is it we have to put up with this rubbish? Sensitivity training is fine, meanwhile we continue to be racially harrassed?? Educate AND discipline please
what reallly bothers me about this is the entire school district private and public should be closed on memorial day. This is a day to honor or fallen brothers, sister and country men who gave there lives so we could have private schools. Next year the Vaad should ask all schools to close to show respect for all the Jewish/Christian war vets who died protecting our country. I am sure our mayor would second this
would u want the police chief to come into our chadarim and tell us to learn about mexican and polish culture?
Do they want to teach themhow tocarry out there anti semantic rage.r
American History is taught in private schools. Who told you that they are not?
And how about teaching cultural, ethnic, racial and religious sensitivity classes in the private schools as well, I know of a few frum members of the community who could use it just as much as the public school students could. No one is above bigotry.
one things forshore your grandparents/parents werent thru the Holocaust or u wouldnt dear talk this way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
they do teach american history in private schools
How does it honor vets if the kids all stay home and play ball and eat hotdogs?
To #7: I mean no disrespect, but actually you CAN yell whatever you want at African Americans. It would probably be considered freedom of speech, just as protesting at a military funeral and saying horrible things is legal, although morally wrong. There is a fine line between that and harassment though.
Kids are Kids, and these kids aren’t any different than the kids that did the same if not worst on the incident on the school bus to the school bus driver. They repeat what they hear at home some one said. 2 wrongs don’t make a right, and what is good for one group then it should be the same for the other. Remember G d don’t like ugly.
You must respect to get respect. Learn to get along and tolerate each other.
I do not condone what was said by a few bad apples. I also do not jump to the conclusion that there re underlying motives by the public schools and their faculty to belittle our neighbors. The public school teachers are watched and scrutinized for every minute inside their classrooms.
As I read your replies to this unfortunate incident….I ask myself “should’nt we be more interested in teaching how to write and spell in all of our schools?” The comments I have read are full of errors….and not just the typing kind.
Teachers are asked to be parents instead of being teachers. Lets concentrate on what we are supposed to be teaching in the schools…including the holocaust, cultures of people from around the world,math, science and the arts! How about getting PARENTS to be PARENTS and accept some responsibility for their children and their actions.
To #4 Reb ahron Kotler seemed to feel like that. See “A fire in his soul” Page 122, the last thre paragraphes.
First and foremost I think that everyone is overreacting to an isolated event. No, I do not condone the slur that was made but who was present at the time to identify the person responsible as a “thug”? This incident was simply a silly, hurtful, comment made by a young immature individual. As for #8, define African Americans! Did you mean to say Blacks? The ignorant term, “African American” implies that every person with dark skin is from Africa. If this is so, what would you call a dark skin person from Jamaica? Let’s get passed this incident and stop empowering others to affect our feelings with silly, ignorant comments…… Good Day to All!
yes the private school she learn about history and know that with out this country they could an would not have all that the u.s.a. has to offer. If you live here an enjoy all that there is then you should learn how we got to be the country that everyone wants to come to.
Teaching about the holocaust would bring an awareness. It is not a problem solver but it is a step in the right direction. This was the idea behind a project known as “paperclips”. If it worked then it could work now.
How about the same subjects that are being taught in the rest of NJ be taught in Lakewood public and private schools why should we have to change the topics around because of a statement being made to one religion. If you are gonna teach more holocaust then you should teach more about slavery. How about everyone remembering how the USA brought immigrants into the country to save them since certain inviduals seem to forget that part and want to make us keep paying for someone else mistakes.
as one who attended jewish private school in lakewood, I learned american history throughout school. I think we started in 4th grade maybe 5th and through high school.
my children now in (lakewood) jewish private schools (boys and girls) are learning american history as well
my friend has been teaching holocaust studies in the Lakewood public high school for over 20 years but the course has been cut out of the curriculum last year by Lydia Silva herself so what is all the talk about teaching additional holocaust studies if there are no longer any holocaust studies at all
We did offer a holocaust class as a half year elective but 2 years ago as part of Board recommendations that class was eliminated. Think about that before anyone scrutinizes what happens at LHS.
to #21. Please Forgive me, I am not up on what is politically correct these days. I meant no disrespect. I do not allow my children to use dirogetory racial slurs. God made all of us as is, and that’s that.
This will not change a thing kids will b kids
Does anyone think it’s odd that the chief of police is recommending changes to a school curriculum? If this is a solution to the problem, then perhaps the schools should also beef up their driver’s ed curriculum as a way to lower the accident rate in town.
How about we have the following classes added to the curriculum as well; anti-gang, anti-texting while driving, how to drive/survive in lakewood, politics and lakewood what it really means, oh yeah as an elective in addition to spanish and other world languages lets add the jewish language.
to #18 i agree with you 100%
to # 14 what exactly was the HOLOCAUST ??
#21 thanks but no apology necessary. Let’s chalk this up to educated conversation. This most disappointing part of this incident is the immediate separation it caused. Lakewood is a diverse town and whenever something like this happens a town that is already somewhat divided, divides even further………SAD! Along time ago I made a decision to not allow racially motivated comments affect me. Often the individual who uses the slur is someone that I do not
even know. I will not give them the satisfaction to know that I was affected by their ignorant comment.
We used to have the best holocaust course in the State. under Ms. Rosenblum at Lakewood High School. She is retiring today and gave me some of her books. Several years ago I asked Bais Kaila to let her give a class, but they felt that the public high school program was not appropriate for yeshiva girls. Nonetheless, our students at LHS are quite sensitive to this and are generally very accepting of different races. Still., It is a good idea to teach about the Holocaust because these kinds of courses enhance awareness of humanity and increase empathy for the suffering of a person who is not from our our race. Unfortunately, we have cut so many programs, theater, arts, holocaust (this was the first year she did not teach it) because the only thing that matters is math and English. The reason for the schools is for citizenship, to perpetuate the republic, yet American history is no longer important.
Kids will be kids. If you just let it go it would pass with time. Why hold the whole school for what one kid said?
#35 says thanks for cutting my comment short.
the truth is that I taught the course as a full year 180 day course for over 20 years. I’d like to think I changed the lives of many kids. Suddenly last year, they took the course away from the curriculum. It was a sad day for LHS
The boardof Ed. took the holocaust studies out of the classroom,maybe you should look at the Bd. not the police. Also as one person said the private schools should be closed for Memoral day and maybe also the 4th of July. Two important holidays for this country.
to local piney #3 “kids say dumb things” well you also do.