Following Allegations, Lakewood District’s Transportation Department to Begin Recording Conversations

phone conferenceThe Lakewood school district’s Transportation Department will soon begin recording conversations, Board of Education member Isaac Zlatkin confirmed to TLS.

Zlatkin says the department placed an order for the equipment following allegations made by community members about “rude and unprofessional” personnel at the department.

“A phone recording system is a straightforward and simple solution that will protect our employees who are doing their job properly, and protect the public from those who are not,” Zlatkin told TLS.

He added, “in the near future, all calls to the transportation will be monitored and recorded to ensure the highest quality of service.”

The system is expected to be installed in the next few weeks.



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  1. They should look into a hosted voip system. No I don’t sell it, but you can record calls without having to buy any equipment, and would likely save money on their phone bill and maintenance contracts

  2. I had a horrible experience with one of the high ups in the transportation department. She was terribly rude. Actually disgusting is more like it. If she was in the private sector, our conversation most probably would have been grounds for termination. The lack of accountability in government, even at the municipal level, is astounding. If there are multiple complaints about a specific employee, then a recording is not necessary and action should be taken. This is just another waste of government $$$.

  3. The department must think the opinion of those offended community members will be respected if this change is to be made. Even if the conversation is recorded it could still be a matter of perception, where what is acceptable to one person is rude to another. Will the recordings then be made available through a FOIA request, so the whole public can determine if it is rude and unprofessional?

  4. Chana: you make a good point but IMO the complaints have been ignored till now and will most probably continue to be. Certain people are just untouchable. The issue is that with government there is no end result that is the determining factor if an employee is performing well or not. In the private sector, employee 1 has to accomplish XYZ. Employee 1 also has to exhibit ABC behavior to their colleagues and customers. In gov, no such system exists. The only system that exists is one that is comprised of nepotism. This ensures the lack of accountability (for the most part).

  5. I don’t know what you are all talking about. I think they are great. If people call and are aggravated and talk disrespectful to the transportation dept. employees then these rude people should be told off. Girls in the department keep up the good work. don’t let anyone get under your skin.

  6. I just want to give a shoutout to Tara Vasquez in the transportation dept. I spoke to her one time and we discussed the racist conversation I had with the owner of Klarr. We also discussed bus safety on my children’s morning route. I was pleasantly surprised when she asked for my address and the appx. time the bus comes. The next morning she was standing right alongside my girls in the pouring rain at my corner to witness his behavior firthand. Needless to say, we never saw that driver again. This eliminated the need to call Klarr and talk to the racist owner again. Please do not paint everyone at the BOE with the same broad brush.

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