VIDEO: Seems the fishermen are stocking up before the storm by ice fishing on Lake Carasaljo today. The men use tools to crack a hole in the Lake and then insert their fishing rod and wait for the catch. Some Bachurim were also enjoying the lake today in their own way, by taking a stroll across the frozen lake during their lunch break.
A license is required for ice fishing. TLS-64/TLS-CCP.
If the sign says no ice skating, that means no walking on it either!It could be extremely dangerous! Just because one spot may be fine, doesn’t mean the whole lake is hard and you could fall in!
really stupid ppl
I thought they were draining the lake…so how would there be fish in it?
But walking across it is just plain dangerous!!
Stupid is …… As stupid does!!
It might sound like a stupid idea to some however the ice was 6-7 inches thick and that is sufficient! Calm down people!
hope no childern see this
is that little pond next to the lake open for skating?
Stupid .. where r these ppl from … Brooklyn ? They must think lkwd is the country where ppl just do stupid things
Kids were all over the lake today. Why is that not very dangerous. What happens if G-d forbid some chunk of ice gets loose….?
Very very scary.
Yitz…there are more people from Brooklyn in Lakewood then from anywhere else! Hmmm…stupid is as stupid does.
I once walked accross a “frozen” lake and as I got towards the center I heard a crackling sound. Let me tell you my heart dropped. A couple days later a friend of mine walked on that same lake and the ice cracked, luckely he was still at the edge and the water only went a little past his knees. The funny part was when he came back to the dorm soaked in 10 degee weather. Guys dont be stupid learn from our stupid mistake.
some chunks of brains got loose, apparently. Ice fishing and skating are American past times. Also, I hate to brake it to you – they should NOT be regulated by means of permits or licenses. STUPID!
How does one know when the ice is 6 inches thick? Looks the same as when it is 2 inches thick. I suppose a system could be in place where the ice is tested by the town and a green flag one a designated pole would mean the ice is safe and a red flag would mean the opposite. That may expose the town to liability so maybe they don’t want to do that.
I’m verrry impressed!! I guess they heard me, the streets are already plowed!!! Now, why don’t they have school???
#8 If the shoe fits………..
# 8 Last time I checked Lakewood was a town not a country.
that doesnt even look like fun!!