FIRST REPORT: School District State Monitor Sides with BOE to allow for District-owned Buses to Help Cover Routes

boe meetingThe Lakewood School District State Monitor Michael Azzara moments ago sided with the Board of Education to allow for the use of the District’s school buses to help cover the routes dropped by Durham, officials confirm to TLS.

In October, Board of Education members Ada Gonzalez and Isaac Zlatkin pushed to have the district school buses – purchased with taxpayer funds – save money by helping to cover routes, but the move was blocked at the time by Azzara.

With mounting pressure ahead of tonight’s emergency meeting, Azzara reversed his decision and agreed to allow the buses – sitting idly during many routes – to be used.

After the state announced that busing was cancelled, Durham dropped approximate 52 routes, leaving approximately 2,000 children without busing. The 31 public student routes were arranged, leaving only the non-public children without busing.

As of this morning, there were 13-14 routes dropped by Durham that were still untaken, leaving hundreds of children without busing. The routes will now be covered by the district and other new vendors.

The emergency meeting for tonight was cancelled.



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  1. The board of ed doesn’t stop amazing me. What about the routes that were cancelled in November or the routes never picked up yet this year. First, the bogus lies that there’s not enough busing. Then the money story. Clearly there were buses hiding somewhere while hundreds of students never even got a bus! Something is not ethical in this town. Someone with logic please explain.

  2. Can someone explain y azzara didn’t allow this in the beginning. As crazy as he is he must have some reason . Otherwise we the tax payers should have a class action against him

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