“I’m livid.” Those were the words Mayor Menashe Miller used today to describe his feelings to TLS while releasing a strong letter condemning the anti-Jewish remarks of Toms River Mayor Thomas Kelaher.
The letter, being sent to the Toms River Mayor, calls for an apology.
Read the full letter by clicking here.
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you go, Menashe!
Well written letter Mr. Mayor!
I am very impressed by the mayor’s strong and respectful letter. I am proud that he represents our town. May he have continued success.
Very well said!
Is there no legal recourse for such open antisemitism and bigotry from an elected official?
Very well written letter. Unfortunately, I do not believe an apology suffices in a case as this. This has come down to blatant Anti-Semitism. There is a difference between criticizing aggressive tactics that MAY have perhaps been used by a minute group of real estate agents and blaspheming an entire community based on their religion.
Mr. Kelaher is not fit to serve as a public servant of any form in the United States of America, a country that stands for freedom and acceptance of people of every creed and religion. This man obviously does not.
How did this becoming Lakewood Twp vs Toms river?
Thank you Mayor Miller, and no thank you Mr Toms River Mayor your a bad example for your town!
menashe is on target as usual ,
truth be told our governor christi (if you can find him)should speak out against the tone and words of the mayor
this should be coming from the top not only local politicians
how can we start a campaign to force his resignation? Let put pressure on Trenton to ask him to step down…
#6 Fyi, 99% of Real Estate Agents are very respectful when contacting a potential seller. (ask once-” i’m not interested in selling”- Thanks) You might have 1 or 2 in TOTAL that have been a bit more persistent. That’s the TRUE facts that you won’t hear in any report.
Clearly , the TR Mayor is a bigot. Just by the tone of what he said about the African-Americans Block busting in Philly & Chicago, you can tell he’s a racist. An equal Opportunity one. Im surprisee Sharpton & Co aren’t protesting. Maybe they will. Thanx R’ Menashe for being moche.
Honestly, orthodox Jews moving onto a block is more like “block BUILDING!” do you see how these home prices are skyrocketing?!?!?!?!
He should be investigated and charged for bias intimidation. This is clearly a hate crime. But nothing will happen because he is one of the good ‘ol boy republicans. Let a Dem mayor try and say that.
Eli, not sure what this has to do with Republican or Democrat. If what you are saying is that Republicans are bigots then you a very wrong. There are bad apples on both sides.
That being said, I feel in my humble opinion that this mayor really find a way to work out his frustrations in a professional way. I am an orthodox jew and many times I feel frustrated with my community. It does not make me a bigot or a self hater. It’s simple emotions. But being that the tm mayor is a public figure he should definitely know better than voicing his frustration in public and comparing this situation to a totally unrelated, non-comparable violent takeover.
In truth, when the orthodox community moves into a neighborhood it may not be very pleasant on a day to day social way for non-orthodox/Jewish neighbors. However, it definitely does become a safer neighborhood and it generally raises home prices for potential sellers in that area.
I think if you weigh the good things that our community brings to a neighborhood against the unpleasantness the good far outweighs the bad.
I think to bridge this controversy a real open conversation needs to be started between our community and with others for us both to gain an understanding of each other. As religious Jews it is OK to live a more insular life AS LONG as we understand our surroundings and the proper way to deal with people.
Hopefully this will not be blown out of control and a proper understanding is found to get us back on common ground with our fellow neighbors.
Happy purim to all and make sure not to make a chillul Hashem out of a holiday.