FIRST REPORT: For First time in Years, all High School Girls Receive Mosdos Acceptance Letters at Same Time

acceptedThose who have been following the tremendous growth of the Lakewood community are aware of how difficult the school acceptance process is. This issue is particularly true for girls entering High Schools, where the lack of space caused many issues.

Additionally, 8th grade girls, not receiving a letter of acceptance at the same time as their classmates, can be particularly challenging for them and their families. Unfortunately, in past years, this process has dragged on for months.

Baruch Hashem this year, for the first time in many years in Lakewood, each and every High School applicant received an acceptance at the same time, sources told TLS.

“It was through the hard work of the Roshei Hamosdos, High School and Elementary School principals working closely with the Vaad to ensure that every Bas Yisroel receive an acceptance and not be hurt,” an Askan involved in the process – who wished to remain anonymous – told TLS.

The process was also helped this year by two major developments.

Firstly, a new High School catering specifically to the needs of the ever-growing Lakewood Sephardic community was opened by Rabbi Semah of Bnot Yisroel.

Additionally, Yesodos Bais Yaakov, under the leadership of Rabbi Shloimie Green, is now thriving.

Last summer, as the school was about to close its doors, philanthropist Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz stepped forward with a large two-year financial commitment. This allowed the staff to concentrate on building the school, and work on putting together this year’s ninth grade without worrying about day-to-day fundraising.

“Without these schools’ success, the process surely would have gone until the summer,” the Askan said.



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  1. What a coincidence!! 3 months after SY gives a speech in Lakewood for the first time in history the Mosdos finally listen and are sensitive to each and every yachids pain….. Amazing!

    To all those who were against the speech and posted all types of negative sentiment, why dont you now give credit where the credit is clearly due….

  2. This is just great news. It is evidence of what we can do when really care about each every yid.

    We know that one primary reason why the Bais Hamikdash was destroyed was because of sinas chinam. In the zechus of all the people that did hard work on making sure this act of ahavas yisroel happened, Moshicah should come sooner.

  3. One mistake. If not for those 2 new schools there would be 45 girls without a school. It would not have gotten resolved in August. There would simply be no space.

  4. A little secret. The mosdos did the same last year. It was a small number of parents that held out for certain schools that made the tumul. This year obviously parents got the message not to hold out for schools that are full so everything worked out

  5. BH this is so wonderful! May we all be protected by the powerful zechoyos of those involved that we should be spared additional bloodshed in k’lal Yisroel here and in EY, in the merit of mitigating the embarrassment of the girls (as it says in chazal, that anyone who shames another person, it’s as if he/she has shed their blood.)

  6. This just proves the point. Last year Yesodos barely got a class because parents were not willing to send. So there was a problem. This year parents got smarter and stopped fighting to get into the big full schools and Yesodos has a huge class. So it shows that if parents are open minded and willing to accept new schools ,then the problems can be solved. Its not the Mosdos that can fix the problem. We just need parents to accept new schools.

  7. I heard that some girls aren’t happy where they were accepted. Does anyone know if those girls that didn’t get in to a schoool they applied to, applied to 4 schools as required?

  8. Applying to 4 schools doesnt guarantee you to get into a particular school. It just guarantees that the Vaad will work for you to find your child a school that has room. If yoy apply to the 4 schools that are full and have no room its not a guarantee that you will get into one of them. The Vaad will obviously try first for the schools that you applied to but if they are full ,you will yave to accept a smaller school that has space.

  9. I heard that even Yesodos,the new school is over full and had to turn away some applicants. We better make some new high schools for next year and fast.

  10. This is not true – I know a of a girl who would not go to school this week because she could not face her friends – she didn’t receive any acceptance letters or any letter for that matter..

  11. Sure they got acceptance letters but a lot of them got accepted to the schools that they DIDNT WANT TO GO TO since some schools r looking for the ” cream of the crop” or $$$ and if u don’t have that criteria then “you r not for us”
    This is not a complaint on the wonderful hard working askonim kol hakovod to all of the them it’s a Lakewood issue unfortunately

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