PHOTOS: First Commerce Bank is celebrating their grand opening today, with fun and food for children. The Bank, located on River Avenue just South of Central Avenue, is offering free nosh, a petting zoo, pony rides, face painting and more, until 5:00 PM today.
Board members of the bank include a number of Frum Lakewood residents including R’ Abe Penzer, R’ Itche Rosenbaum, R’ Zeev Rothchild and others.
Let me be the first one to post and make my complaint.
1. it just took me more than 15 min. to pass the bank do to all the cars stoping to look.
2. who is paying for the police and fire department to be there. it looks like the fd is giving out hats. after the twnshp just cut there budjet is the bank paying for them. if yes pls post inv so that i could see.
3. and what does a petting zoo have to do with a bank???????
4. I hope this ends soon I have car pool to do soon.
just my 2 cents
Wow a parent like you (I assume the carpool is for your kids), I feel sorry for your kids.
Chill and let all enjoy, you aren’t paying for the free entertainment on a beautiful Sunday
Its called a Community Bank giving you and your kids a free kosher event for the day. I am sure that they are paying for the extra Police as do all businesses and people making parties.
#1 you complaint should be adressed the governor as he needs to realize that rt 9 DOES need 2 or 3 lanes and has niothing to do with the bank over there .on any given day there is trafica at that spot !
p.s this bank is a big help to our communtiy giving out mortgages and loans where all other banks said no !
and the bank not the tax payer is poaying for all of it ,never so you complain when other banks did this so why this one ?
tell your school do do sunday busing so you wont be sitting in sunday traffiac
is this bank for everyone?
never saw a bank open on SUNDAY?
The food is real good. Who did they use.
Is it really kosher
Of cousre the bank is open to everyone. Its a buisness not a club!
I hope Buster from the Blueclaws was there giving away stuff.
We all love you Abe, and wish you the best of luck in your undertaking – We know you have the community’s best interests at heart and may Hashem give you the opportunity to help even more people!
#1 –
I pity your kids!
By the way, in case you are not aware, any private event pays for its own off duty police officers. I give the bank credit for hiring two officers to assist with the safety.
The Volunteer Firemen were there because they were asked. They gave up their Sunday to be part of the community celebration, Thank You LFD.
For your information the police officers were paid by first commerce as well as the fire department was given a $500.00 donation. (First hand information)
And yet another bank opening!!!!!
1. first of all like has already been said the police and FD were pd by the bank.
2. I was there with my kids and it looked like everyone one was having a gr8 time- all ages there. Bonky’s, peeting zoo, pony rides and free give aways to name a few of the attractions.
3. I even saw some people opening accounts- yeh for them!
( i heard they have gr8 rates).
4. #1 dont be so bitter.
u can still check out the bank- with their FREE checking accounts- business also.
Good Luck To u ALL!
go abe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As I drove by the bank today, I was reminded of those special “fancy dinners” my parents uses to take us there to have at Petersons. (the restaurant that used to be there. )
Yidden ownig a bank…. Who arraigned the heter iska and is it publicly available? can they post the details on tls wth the Rav hamachshirs info etc Shkoiach!
I don’t know what #1 was kvetching about. The bank had little or nothing to do with the traffic jam. Traffic in that area, as well as most of Madison/River Ave., is usually atrocious. The road can’t handle the volume of traffic. It needs to be widened.
Btw, the yellow zebra stripes are not an extra lane or a passing lane, so please control your shpilkes and stop driving on them.
passed by at about 6 – 6:30 pm last night and my oh my, what a mess that was left! Are you telling me they couldn’t have someone stay immediately afterwards to at least sweep up the parking lot so all that paper garbage wouldn’t blow around and pollute the area including the nearby lake? I sure hope they cleaned it up soon after that.
RIP Petersons Sunset Cabin