Find The Cheapest Gas Station Near You

gas_valero_lkwdThe price of gas has been on the rise the last few weeks, hitting about $3.30 a gallon, driver by the fears of the tumultuous situation in the Libya. Even the attached photo – taken in Lakewood last week – is outdated. However, you can find the cheapest gas stations near you by clicking here.

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  1. Thanks. This site is powered by gas buddy but it isn’t only for NJ. It works for anywhere in the US. You can go directly to their site at or the mobile site at for cell phones. The only chisaron of gas buddy is that they get their info from people that happen to drive by a gas station & update the price on the website so it isn’t always accurate & uptodate & its missing alon of stations. MSN ( for Lakewood) gets its info from credit card purchases & gas stations & it is updated every night so its more reliable but they also don’t have all the stations. I just check both these days to make sure I’m getting the best deal.

  2. Please everyone should call the senator and the president to let them know that they are and did nothing about the situation that has been going on for years….

  3. who cares about gas i know that i dont worry about it. i am putting premium in my lambo at $3.50 a gallon. more things in life to worry about than gas

  4. in American owned gas only.
    stop buying from Shell, Exxon, Mobile, Luke-oil, Citgo

    what is a matter with you. stop supporting the Arabs

  5. 8, you obviously don’t know too much about how gas works here in the USA but that’s ok.

    We need to DRILL HERE & DRILL NOW so we could SAVE MONEY!!!

    BTW, gas this week is 3.25 on the Parkway/Turnpike so fill up there.

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