FINAL ELECTION RESULTS: Vaad-backed candidates Murphy (Governor), Singer, Kean, Thomson (30th District) , Vicari (Freeholder), Coles, D’Elia (Township), Gonzalez, Treisser, Jackson, (BOE) win elections

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Your missing the governor’s race…and how about tweeting a win for Chanina Nakdiman
Nakdiman was a vaad backed canidate?
Nakdimen wasn’t vaad backed
Chanina nakdeman might not have been a vaad backed .. candidate but he is great guy and a real klal you!
*klal yid
I just want to thank everything from the bottom of my heart for the support I received. I know I did not win and for that I am sad, but I also very happy to have met so many wonderful people along the way and learned so much about my District neighbors in Lakewood. Thank You and I hope my message of ‘Unity’ can one day come. God Bless. Eliot Arlo Colon
There is a more updated total for the Elections on the County Clerk Website. Please update the numbers! Thank you!!