[LIST BELOW] The most appropriate time to say Birchas Illanos is during Chodesh Nissan. Rosh Chodesh Iur is Sunday and Monday.
Click here and here for a list of some Lakewood locations from Misaskim.
If you have a budding fruit tree on your property and would like to be Mezakeh people with the Bracha, please list it in the comments section.
Tizku L’Mitzvohs! I was just thinking that Chodesh Nissan is almost over & I didn’t say the bracha yet.. and lo and behold.. I see this list
1171 evergreen Ave.
Apple tree front yard.
Any trees near pine street?
James st, close to rt 9 has budding fruit trees in the back
are there any fruit trees around westgate area?
In the Pine street area….on the SE corner or Cypress and Spruce St, there is an Apple and pear tree with a sign hanging on the fence with the bracha.