By Aharon Ben David. Senior Food and Drug Administration (FDA) officials, including Commissioner Robert Califf, admitted that Americans will now have to accept COVID-19 as just another respiratory virus, comparing it to influenza.
Califf, Principal Deputy Commissioner Janet Woodcock, and top vaccine official Dr. Peter Marks wrote in the Journal of the American Medical Association that COVID-19 will be around for the foreseeable future. Like the Flu they “suggested” (I assume that means not mandated) that, like the flu, yearly vaccines targeting the most threatening variations of the virus may be warranted.
The officials said, “Widespread vaccine- and infection-induced immunity, combined with the availability of effective therapeutics, could blunt the effects of future outbreaks,” calling it by its real name, the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus., “Nonetheless, it is time to accept that the presence of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, is the new normal.
They said that the virus “will likely circulate globally for the foreseeable future, taking its place alongside other common respiratory viruses such as influenza. And it likely will require similar annual “consideration” for vaccine composition updates in consultation with the [FDA].”
This is a stunning departure expressed by public health officials in 2020 and 2021. In October 2020, Anthony Fauci said that President Donald Trump’s comparisons to the flu were false, telling NBC at the time “it is not correct to say it’s the same as flu.”
Just around a year later, Fauci then told CBS News that Americans will “likely” have to deal with COVID-19 in a similar manner as influenza. “That’s entirely conceivable and likely, as a matter of fact, we are not going to be in a situation of this degree of intensity indefinitely.”
Data published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that while cases have trended slightly upward in the United States, the numbers are a fraction of the cases that were reported in mid-January when the seven-day average stood at around 800,000 per day. As of May 6, the seven-day average was about 68,000 per day.
In a Journal of the American Medical Association article, the three FDA officials proclaimed that by the summer of 2022, decisions will have to be issued “about who should be eligible for vaccination with additional boosters and regarding vaccine composition.”
“Administering additional COVID-19 vaccine doses to appropriate individuals this fall around the time of the usual influenza vaccine campaign has the potential to protect susceptible individuals against hospitalization and death, and therefore will be a topic for FDA consideration.”
“This is a stunning departure expressed by public health officials in 2020 and 2021. In October 2020, Anthony Fauci said that President Donald Trump’s comparisons to the flu were false, telling NBC at the time “it is not correct to say it’s the same as flu.”
A stunning departure???
As much as I dislike Fauci, this is quite ridiculous to say what he said to Trump over 2 years ago is a “stunning departure”. At the time, is was indeed not comparable to the Flu as the metzius of things clearly changed.
Li Eng Fow Chi has his own metzius which is only connected to his convenient reality at the moment. His mention is purely anecdotal and has nothing to do with the FDA and CDC.
I don’t see where Fauci had anything to do with this FDA decision, only the top brass at the FDA. I believe the author dislikes Fauci as much as you do and simply included his remarks as ironic but not related to the decision. It appears to come from the FDA and CDC stats and not flip-flop Fauci at all.
There is no reversal, let alone the stunning kind.
Considering the severity and the mortality that occurred in the initial wave, it was absolutely correct to disagree with the President that this was “like a flu”.
The current situation is different. Vaccine-induced and natural immunity caused the numbers of severely ill and hospitalized patients to drop to manageable levels, and treatments for serious illnesses have been fine-tuned.
The position of the FDA, in saying that it should now be treated as the seasonal flu, simply means that yearly vaccinations for the dominant strains of Corona will allow normal existence, without severe public mandates. The only departures noted are that the vaccines do not provide life-long immunity, AND that new strains of the virus keep spreading, JUST LIKE FLU.
All of the above is clear in the posters own words, yet, AS USUAL, this particular individual simply has to squeeze in his own agenda, and berate the scientific establishment, any of whose members are vastly more educated in virology, immunology, epidemiology, and statistics than ABD could ever aspire to be.
Yet, I do applaud him, this time, for merely misinterpreting his own post, rather than writing outright lies and misinformation, as he had done numerous times before.
R’ MD, I have a few questions:
What was it really that caused people to die; Covid or the wrong machines/treatments – or no treatment at all?! Did you try HCQ, Ivermectin — and NOT putting people on machines that would kill even a healthy person?!
2) Is there ANY proof that the “vaccines” (not even properly tested on an8imls) help an iota?! How do they address the over one-million adverse reactions to it, listed on VAERS — which include over 23K deaths — all immediately after injection – to previously healthy people! And the fact that VAERS is at most 1-10% of reality because most drs. don’t know they are legally required to, or just don’t take the half hour to fill in a report.
Dr. Zelenko, and others like him, had ENOURMOUS success with
HCQ etc, and, after helping Pres. Trump personally with COVID, and sending him his famous letter about its effectiveness – especially with early treatment, the pres. asked the FDA to approve it. Grauci YMCH”SHM said they cannot, as it isn’t double-blinded, placebo-controlled proven for Covid. So the pres. asked for Emergency Use Authorization – which the FDA was about to give, but then didn’t, obviously because they wanted people to die so they would have a reason to market the “vaccine” – from which they’d make much more money.
NO vaccine has EVER been approved by the FDA for COVID, ONLY given EUA!! It’s experimental – much more than HCQ and Ivermectin!!!
@MD, you don’t have to put your name we know who you are!
Your tone and style are obvious. Go complain to the FDA, CDC,AMA and Trump. This is all over the news now. You always get so personal with this writer it’s slanderous. Take a deep breath and relax.
I was thinking the same thing! I went back searching for articles by the author and sure enough, If we are right, MD’s MO is all over the place!
Same vitriolic personal attacks in comments that are almost as long as the articles themselves. “MD” definitely has an agenda.
For heaven’s sake, whatever happened to “attack the message, not the messenger.”
Here is the answer to your question.
Imagine the scenario where someone would post a wrong halachic decision, supposedly in the name of a real posek. Contrast that with a post that in out days keeping kosher is unnecessary.
The second one would be simply ignored, while the first one would generate a vigorous and justified reaction.
Now, had the author claimed that the world is flat, or something similarly ridiculous, no response would be warranted, for obvious reasons.
However, when it comes to public health issues, especially ones related to the Covid pandemic, in which so many of our people died, things are different.
Were this his first erroneous article, different words would have been used, softly. Yet, after reading his previous egregious posts, filled with outright lies, twisted facts, and deliberate misinformation, someone who saw many patients die from Covid doesn’t have a choice, but for a sharply worded rejoinder. Lives are still at stake, even if far fewer people are dying right now.
Even with bonafide talmidei chachamim the halacha is that
במקום חילול השם אין חולקין כבוד לרב,
That fully applies to an author who is ignorant of the facts, and promotes blatant lies. Speaking of agenda …..
All I see here are facts from the FDA, CDC, AMA. I see a surprising if not, yes stunning reversal of protocol and statistics between 2020, 2021 and now. How many actual patients have you officially seen in your practice. You do not sound like a real practioner to me. Nothing personal. Why do you have the need to justify your personal attacks while quoting Torah no less?
I’ve seen this all over the news. The article says nothing different. Quotes the original sources. How is this an analogy to halacha. Is your Rav the FDA,CDC,AMA or any of the people in the article?