With many questions posed to the Lakewood Census Committee, for your convenience, we have included some commonly asked questions along with the answers from the Committee: 1. What if I don’t receive the form? If you did not receive a form, call the Telephone Questionnaire Assistance center at 1-866-872-6868. (If you prefer a Spanish-speaking operator, then dial 1-866-928-2010.) The lines will be open from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. (your local time) seven days a week from February 25, 2010 through July 30, 2010. For the hearing-impaired, TDD 1-866-783-2010 (during the times noted above). 2. What if I don’t have a permanent address?
You should be counted where you live and sleep most of the time. These residence rules serve as the guiding principle for the census, whether you are living with relatives because of a natural disaster or foreclosure, or are a college student living away from home, or a soldier living on a military base.
3. Can I fill the form out online?
No, not this time. We are experimenting with Internet response options for the future.
4. What if I make a mistake on the form?
If you checked the wrong box, just draw a line through it and mark the correct box for the question. If the error is in a write-in box, carefully draw a line through the incorrect entry and write the correct information as close as possible to the entry.
5. What if I lose the form?
If you lost or misplaced your form, call the Telephone Questionnaire Assistance Center at 1-866-872-6868. (If you prefer a Spanish-speaking operator, then dial 1-866-928-2010.) The lines will be open from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. (your local time) seven days a week from February 25, 2010 through July 31, 2010. For the hearing-impaired, TDD 1-866-783-2010 (during the times noted above).
6. What if I have more people in my household that the form allots space for?
This is a concern many of Lakewood’s residents have brought up. This issue is being addressed by Lakewood’s politicians and has been brought up in the Philadelphia Region Census Bureau. There will be a solution to this problem within the next few days.
7. Who sees my information?
By law, the Census Bureau cannot share respondents’ answers with anyone, including the IRS, FBI, CIA or any other government agency. All Census Bureau employees take the oath of nondisclosure and are sworn for life to protect the confidentiality of the data. The penalty for unlawful disclosure is a fine of up to $250,000 or imprisonment of up to 5 years, or both.
8. Is there another way to get the form other than the mail?
Be Counted forms are census forms that are available at various community locations for use by people who either did not receive a form in the mail or whose information was not collected on any other form. Be Counted forms are available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese and Russian. These forms can be picked up in various community locations and mailed back in the attached postage-paid envelope.
9. What steps are taken if my information is compromised?
A determination of the sensitivity of the information and the specific details associated with incidents determines the action the Census Bureau takes. Actions range from sending notification letters to providing credit-monitoring services. All incidents are reviewed and Census Bureau senior management receives regular status reports on the incidents.
10. Why does the census taker visit my home more than once?
Census takers visit local homes up to three times to record resident information for 2010 Census. The census taker leaves a door hanger, featuring a phone number, each time, if the residents they’re trying to reach aren’t home. Residents can then call the number to schedule the visit. In addition, quality checks to ensure that census procedures are working and census staff is doing their job will require that some households be visited more than once.
I live in a basement and haven’t received the Form. When I call this number and follow the prompts, it asks me for my Census ID – this is the number that is found on all census material that was previously sent to my home blah blah….. Now when I say I don’t have a number they tell me that it was already mailed out and i”ll receive the form before April 12th. I guess I can either get the Census ID from my my Upstairs neighbor or I can just wait until April 12th.
Any suggestions?
I think you should wait
My basement tenant didn’t receive one so I called a census office in Toms River – pretty helpful – it’s in the yellow pages.
– they said I should fill in their names and say that their relationship to me is – other non related.
what if you dont send it back
Can someone please clarify what every basement in Lakewood should do? They are only mailing one per address!!!!
To clarify… The upstairs head of household writes for everyone in the home, upstairs and downstairs included. This information may not be used against you in any form, and cannot be accessed by the public for 72 years.
I don’t trust obama and his cronies they are politicizing the census to gain more votes for themselves by redistricing according to their needs.
Secondly we are not getting more Govt money based on the numbers. we are only be mandated to have more police officers on our tax payroll and more state and federaly mandated laws.
Don’t fill it out it will only help the builders build over wetlands and make big traffic jams