Falling In Love, By Avi Aaron

sunset tlsThe prognosis was bleak. Almost surreal. The doctors had given Michael Feldman only days to live. It was heartbreaking. Life had been miserable for the last couple of years. He had finally found the girl of his dreams, married and was looking forward to having kids. They never came. His wife was having difficulties conceiving.

Parnassah had gone from bad to worse to disastrous. He had invested so much time, effort and resources in a software program that he had hoped would bring him financial success. But that too had eluded him.

Now, he was quarantined in a special wing of the hospital for fear of contaminating others. He was diagnosed with a fatal strain of Tuberculosis that was going to kill him in a matter of days. At the tender age of 29 he would depart from this world without a trace, leaving financial ruin in his wake. He was grief-stricken, devastated and despondent as his world was closing in on him.

Suddenly the door to Michael’s room bursts open and the chief of the department rushes in followed by a couple of residents and nurses. He apologizes for charging in but he very excitedly tells Mr. Feldman; “The CDC (Center for Disease Control) in Atlanta just called with unbelievable news. The second comprehensive test that they had done has returned a negative result. You actually have a simple strain of streptococcus,” he tells Michael, “it should pass over the next couple of days and then you should be fine. We sincerely apologize for all the stress and anguish we have put you and your family through. But this was something beyond our control.”

At the sound of those miraculous words, Michael jumps up and screams, “Oh thank you, thank you so much. Does that mean I’m not dying?” The doctor shrugs his head, “No, absolutely not, as a matter of fact you are in very good health.”

“Oh thank you,” Michael shrieks as he hugs the doctor. With tears streaming down his face, Michael reaches for the phone to call his wife with the great news but the phone beats him to it and rings. As he picks up he hears his wife screaming excitedly on the other end. “You will never believe it but I’m expecting. We are going to have a child. A dream come true, we are going to be parents. You are going to be a father.”

“Oh, my God! This is beyond belief. This is so great. I also have the most wonderful news. The doctor was just in here and told me that there was a big mess up in the test results. I’m not dying. You hear? I’m not dying. I’m going to live.”

“Baruch Hashem,” his wife screams. “What a day. Oh and before I forget, Michael, your lawyer, called earlier today to tell you that we got a significant offer for your software program from the folks at Google. They are very interested and would like to meet up ASAP.”

Michael stood there dazed. He couldn’t believe what had just transpired. Three minutes ago he was a dead man who was going to die childless and penniless. Three minutes later and he is in the best of health, expecting his first child and possibly a very wealthy man.

Can you imagine the immeasurable joy and happiness that Michael feels at this very moment? He went from the depths of the grave to the heights of ecstasy. Mere words would not be able to convey the boundless joy, happiness and gratefulness that Michael was feeling right then. One couldn’t put a price tag on his overwhelming jubilation and euphoria. In fact, you might say that there is no way to top what Michael was feeling at that very moment.

Or is there…?

As joyous and ecstatic as Michael Feldman was feeling at this climactic moment in his life, there is something that we can tap into at any moment in our lives and feel a happier and more intense pleasure then Michael ever felt. But what could that possibly be?

It’s called D’veikus B’Hashem, or “bonding with G-d.”

Bonding with Hashem is the most intense feeling of passionate ecstasy that is humanly possible on this planet.

How sweet is D’veikus B’Hashem?

Did you ever experience a magnificent sunset or sunrise? Maybe it was at the beach or at the lake with the mountains for a backdrop. Didn’t you feel that otherworldly feeling? The tingle down your spine. The tranquility, serenity and emotional peace. Did you feel the nostalgia? The wistfulness? Did it lift you up and make you feel as if you had left this world for a few moments? It had you transfixed and mesmerized. Wow, what an awesome feeling.

D’veikus B’Hashem is all that and much more.

D’veikus B’Hashem is more intensely gratifying than what you feel…

– When you hit the game winning home run.
– On your wedding day.
– At the birth of your children.
– The day you close on a big deal or get that long sought after promotion.
– When you walk your child down to the chuppah.

D’veikus B’Hashem makes all that seem like child’s play. It’s far more enjoyable and pleasurable.

Did you ever have a really deep, frank and open discussion with a best friend, a spouse or a Rebbi? Did you walk away feeling so relieved, unburdened and secure in the knowledge that you have someone who you can talk to unfettered? Doesn’t it feel extraordinary to have someone who understands you and who can relate to you? It’s such an incredible sentiment to have.

D’veikus B’Hashem is all that but significantly more.

Hashem isn’t only your best friend. He is the ultimate friend that can actually cater to your every need in every way possible. And most important of all He will never stop being that quintessential friend, no matter what transpires, for all of eternity.

I’ll bet you might have experienced D’veikus B’Hashem once or twice in your life.

Did you ever have an intensely focused tefilla that went really well? For a moment you probably felt yourself traveling through the cosmos with nary a worry. You felt such awesome closeness and affection towards your Creator. You in return felt His awe-inspiring love and affection for you.

Were you having a really good spiritual day where things were really going well and then just for a second you had a glimpse. You had a taste of the heavens. It felt so good, so delicious that you craved for more but then it was gone.

Wouldn’t you want to feel like that every single day? Wouldn’t you love to connect in that special way?

It doesn’t take capital or cost any money. It doesn’t come as an email attachment or via Fed Ex. All we have to do is reach out for it and it’s ours for the taking. But we have to ask and we have to really want it.

You see, all that really exists is G-d and you. Everything else in the world that we get so preoccupied with, is simply the scenery. It’s like a magnificently laid out movie set except there are real life and eternal implications.

So this Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, try something new and different. Try having a really good conversation with G-d. Try to genuinely concentrate on what you are saying and remain focused. Strive to internalize how much good Hashem continues to bestow upon you every nanosecond. Allow the awareness to just permeate your very body and soul. Open your eyes to the fact that G-d always was, is and will always be the Master of everything.

And then go ahead and open up. Drop all those silly social and spiritual barriers that we build up all year. Take a deep breath and slowly exhale. You can relax. There’s no need to impress anyone, it’s just you and G-d.

He knows all about you, all your weaknesses and all your strengths. He created you just the way you are because he loves you so very much. You will never ever be able to comprehend or relate to the vastness and depth of his love for you. He is your Father and unconditionally your best friend. He absolutely adores you. The entire Universe with everything inside was created just for you. Yes, you read correctly. Just for you. If you were missing, it would be an incomplete puzzle with the most important piece missing.

He created the entire concept of teshuva for exactly this reason. He doesn’t want you to mess up in any way, shape or form. He wants to grant you everything you need and most of all He wants you to succeed at what you do. But first you have got to let him in.

Yes my friend, Rosh Hashanah is all about awareness. Awareness that the only King is G-d…and the awareness… that all G-d cares about is you!

Happy New Year!

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