Residents from the Senior Enclave and Fairways communities this Shabbos joined the residents of Elmwood village in a Shabbos of unity, ahead of Rosh Hashana. About 20 men and 20 women – among them BOE member Carl Fink and Township Committee candidate Hal Halvorsen – walked to the Elmwood Village Shul where they joined the Kehilla for an uplifting Davening.
Following Davening, the crowd enjoyed a lavish Kiddush, and heard words of Chizuk from Project Inspire’s Rabbi Yerachmiel Milstein. TLS.
Wow what an inspiring speech and breath of fresh air to hear someone who can speak on a level that all can relate to. Thank you Rabbi Milstein, we were truly inspired.
Beautiful! Not much else to say, except that with so many jewish people in all the senior communities its a wonderful opportunity for everyone.
Thank you R’ Shimmy for all the amazing arrangements. It was truly an amazing event beginning to end. (Of course the mussaf too!)
It was a great! A hugh chizuk! And a lot of achdus!
Shimmi great job! We were inspired!
It was a great feeling to be part of such achdus- The Elmwood community opened their hands to their neighbors days before Rosh Hashana.
Rabbi Milstien was inspiring to all!
One word says it all(and I wasn’t there)
There are no words to describe the davening it was straight from the heart
Good gala shimmi!
Even the yeshivasha were inspired!
In elmwood? Are you sure it was elmwood?
Why can’t it be anywhere? What is your point? Unity is great anywhere
Wow! We are town with so many good talented friendly resourceful people why doesn’t this happen more often? Glad it did this week!
Let’s go for this every Shabbos.
Finally -long over due
Shimmi – a baal tefillah like you is really hard to come by! Do it for us, go for it for the Yomim Noraim!!
P.S. The gala was gevaldig!
Now you know what Chabad does everyday of the year!
Now you know what Chabad does everyday of the year!
Thank you Mr. S for arranging this. As many people previoulsy stated this was long overdue and appreciated by the residents of both adult communites. Last night the Fairways Hebrew Culture Group had a dinner and the hot topic was the Kiddush. Everyone is talking about it and asking when can we do it again.
My wife and I are extremly grateful for the hospitality that was given to us and our friends on Saturday. Having the opportunity to hear Rabbi Milstein speak again was inspirating.
It was a great service. I enjoyed the Kiddush as well. The congregation was very friendly and made us feel very welcome. Thank you Carl and Chesky for setting this up. It was a great thing that it was done just before Rosh Hassanah. I would like to think that this small step in improving relationsships between our communities continues.