Facing cremation, Jewish woman brought to Kevuras Yisroel, thanks to Misaskim volunteers [PHOTOS]

A Jewish woman who was about to be cremated, was Zoche to Kevuras Yisroel on Thursday, thanks to the dedication of Misaskim volunteers.

Misaskim received a call from a nursing home that a Jewish woman had passed away, and they were scheduled to cremate her.

The organization got to work, and with Siyata D’shmaya were able to provide the woman with a proper Kevurah.

She was buried in the Misaskim Chelka in Deans, by volunteers from Lakewood and Brooklyn.


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  1. Unreal what these guys do. A few hundred times a year. With no fanfare. No crowds, No Kovod. No lights and sirens…
    Just heiligeh Yidden doing chessed for a brother they will never meet.
    Truly Inspiring

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