Expert Attorney Michael Inzelbuch: Judge Moscowitz Appointment a Huge Win for All Special Needs Children in New Jersey

The appointment of Barry Moscowitz today is a huge win for all special needs children in New Jersey, says Lakewood Board of Education Attorney and special needs rights expert Michael Inzelbuch.

Inzelbuch, who fights for the rights of special needs children around New Jersey, welcomed the appointment.

“I have the privilege of appearing in front of ALJ Moscowitz on almost a weekly basis,” Inzelbuch told TLS. “Judge Moscowitz is a long-time veteran of the OAL, and he is bright, astute, and has seen thru the many obstacles parents and districts face at the Office of Administrative Law.”

Inzelbuch says Moscowitz is also “cognizant of the need for districts to see the entire child, including educational, social, and cultural norms.”

“This is a huge win for all special needs children in New Jersey,” Inzelbuch said.

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  1. This is great news.
    As a parent of a special needs child, I’m very pleased at this appointment.
    V’kan HaMakom L’Hazkir:
    R’ Michael Shlit”a has been an unbelievable Shlucha D’Rachmana & a tireless advocate in all he has done on behalf of the Special Needs children of our kehilla.
    May HKB”H continue to give the strength, intelligence and wherewithal to continue his Avodas HaKodesh Ad Bias Goel.

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