EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: R’ Shalom Rubashkin describes moment he found out his sentence was commuted

In this exclusive video, R’ Shalom Rubashkin describes for the Stechiner Rebbe the moment he was notified he was being released.

During the meeting last night, Rubashkin also described for the Rebbe how the RBS”O showed him that the Neis occurred after all his Hishtadlus failed, and there was no Hishtadlus remaining to rely on.

Video credit: HMH.


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  1. He’s not saying something new you didn’t know or assume; it’s just emotional hearing him say it over in first person. A transcription isn’t worth anything, even in Yiddish.
    Some things can be transcribed and translated; others you just have to miss out on…

  2. To resident and David , your comments are very disrespectful and knocking those that don’t speak Yiddish. A lot of people do not speak Yiddish like Middle Eastern people who are very special and they also have a heart. A translation would definitely be in order

  3. He happens to be saying new things that he didn’t mention yet and besides new stories he also is saying a few beautiful vorts from gedolim of yesteryears which he says he lived by and he can’t believe how they came true and alive in his last days in prison ……. it’s totally worth getting translated ….

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