EXCLUSIVE: Video Message From Democratic Candidates Ray Coles & Moshe Raitzik

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO MESSAGE: As the 2011 election campaigns for both Republican and Democratic Parties kick off, TLS presents to you the first campaign message from Democratic Candidates Committeeman Ray Coles and running mate Moshe Raiztik.

Committeeman Coles, has been on the Township Committee since 2001.

Coles and Raitzik will face Deputy Mayor Steven Langert and running mate Hal Halvorsen on November 8.

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  1. They both seem like very nice people and sincere, but they didnt really say what they stand for in the specefics. What they will change or won’t change? How they will lower our taxes or won’t they? Are they for the people of lakewood (moderated) I would like them to lay out a plan for myself and others to cast a vote for them as our representives.

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