A Lakewood resident’s family member is lucky to be alive today – thanks to an unanswered phone by his travel agent, family members tell TLS.
The young man was visiting Antwerp, and was trying to get onto today’s 9:00 AM flight out of Brussels to return home, but didn’t head to the airport until he had a confirmation from his travel agent.
But for some reason, the travel agent failed to answer his calls, and just a short time later understood why – he was being watched from above.
It didn’t take long for the Yungerman to hear about the bombing, which occurred just feet away from where he would have been standing about an hour before his flight. The blast claimed numerous lives, and injured dozens of others.
“This was clearly the Yad Hashem,” a family member told TLS. “We shudder to think what the outcome could have been had he been waiting to get onto the flight he intended to be on.”
A friend of this Yungerman who was in the airport when the blast occurred, left his luggage and ran for his life. When he later returned for his luggage, it was covered by a body of one of the victims.
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We’ll be hearing it tomorrow night in shul…”She’asah Nissim L’Avoseinu Bayamim Haheim, Bazman Hazeh”.