EXCLUSIVE: Longtime Toms River Activist Sam Ellenbogen Considering Running for County Commissioner Seat

Sam Ellenbogen, a longtime Toms River community activist, is exploring running for a seat on the Ocean County Board of Commissioners, TheLakewoodScoop.com has learned.

In the upcoming 2025 elections, which coincides with the gubernatorial election, two seats will be up for grabs – the seat of John Kelly, and Virginia (Ginny) Haines.

At least one of the incumbents are considering not running for re-election, sources with knowledge tell TLS.

Kelly, a former Eagleswood mayor, is completing his 11th term on the board, while Haines, a former state assemblywoman and Director of the New Jersey Lottery, is finishing her fourth.

A Toms River resident, Ellenbogen currently serves as a commissioner and treasurer at the Ocean County Utility Authority (OCUA), and is actively involved in other government agencies and local departments.

He has long been known by many as a ‘go-to’ person for getting things done within the Township and County.

Ellenbogen also has long been recognized as a bridge builder between communities in Ocean County, working with the diverse groups across the county to address shared challenges.

Reached for comment by TLS, Ellenbogen confirmed he is exploring a run, saying that “this is something I am certainly considering,” while adding that he intends to screen for the position with the screening committee, while hoping to receive the nomination at their upcoming convention.

“There is a process in place, and my intent is to go through the screening for the position. Having lived in Ocean County my entire life, I deeply value the community, its residents, and the unique challenges we face. I look forward to the opportunity to contribute further to our county’s future,” he said.

The seats are for a three-year term.

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  1. We love shmuly!!! My brother MDs brother!!
    Nothing like the good olden days!! club houses and all the fun you had! It was an easy safe and happy world back then!
    We are def voting for you!!! Keep doing good things in honor of the holy Rabbi G!
    A shout out to Blimi.. it was so nice to see you last night!

  2. looks like a good dude… i can see him on the board of commissioners… especially with the name Sam! Sam I am, here to serve the community!

  3. No one is more qualified for the job than Sam. He’s a man of integrity and a solid leader. He’ll do great for all of Ocean County. Looking forward to a positive change.

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