The Lakewood Vaad released the following statement to TLS:
The Lakewood Vaad is pleased to report that all our recommended candidates overwhelmingly won their respective races in Lakewood.
We thank the Oilum that took the time and effort to vote, and to all the candidates for running clean and fair election campaigns.
We wish Governor-elect Murphy well and offer our Tefilos and best wishes. We Daven that he take the mantle of leadership and do what’s right and best for all the citizens of New Jersey – but especially for our Lakewood community – which is bearing the overwhelming burdens of high taxes and severe State underfunding of our local school budget. Further, that he bring a fresh and positive perspective on how our great city of Lakewood is viewed at the highest levels in Trenton
We are confident that our re-elected State Legislators, Senator Bob Singer, Sean Kean and Ned Thomson will continue to battle for our interests in Trenton. We thank them for their past service, and look forward to them being our partners as we undertake the difficult challenges ahead to advocate for our fair share of funding and services from the state.
We congratulate our friends and veteran Committeemen Ray Coles and Mike D’Elia on their well-deserved victories and we’re sure they will continue to work together for the benefit of all Lakewood residents.
Thank you school board members for your often thankless job of looking out for what’s best for all of Lakewood’s children. Hopefully, a new era is dawning in Trenton where they will fulfill their legally mandated obligations to fund the needs of all our children.
Finally: To our Chaverim in the Kehilla, you have our sincere Yosher Koach for your efforts in voting and keeping the precious Achdus of the Tzibbur.
Together and with Sayata Dishmaya, we will face Lakewood’s considerable challenges and make our town an even better place to learn, work and raise our wonderful families.
Moshe Zev Weisberg
On behalf of The Lakewood Vaad
(Note – While Joshua Spiegel won the popular vote for school board, it was unfortunately split between two lines which could not be combined, so he lost on a technicality. Best wishes to Chanina and thank you Joshua for your willingness to serve the Kehilla!)
The last statement () is just not true! As the same persons could vote for him two times .
But most people don’t vote twice, they either vote by regular name or by the Write in.
Another win for Achdus. Thank you to Lakewood for uniting. That’s our strength.
100% right. And I have a lot to add to your comment, but i doubt the moderators will allow them through because they don’t post that type of negative stuff about the haters. Which is what makes this site clean and family friendly (but it is annoying sometimes not to be able to give those people a piece of my mind.)
I will say this though. History (even just in Lakewood) has proven again and again what happens to people who fight the rabbonim in town. I won’t mention names, but the bottom line is, there a bigger and stronger power up there.
Kudos to the Tzibbur for showing we as a community will unite when it matters most.
It was a mistake to endorse Murphy.
Actually it was brilliant.
You try getting something done for Lakewood and coming to Murphy and saying “oh we really like you, but we wanted to endorse Kim.” Let me know how that flies.
If you wanted lower taxes than should not have endorsed Murphy.
Aha…and if you wanted another governor with 13% approval ratings, and great job at helping Lakewood, we takkeh should have voted for Christie’s lady.
What don’t you like about Murphy exactly? His marriage views (which make no difference in NJ anymore)? And for a change, though I’m republican, it’s refreshing to have a democrat in office. Was sick and tired of Christie to be honest. And with the recent arrests targeting Lakewood (no question approved by the bully) that topped it off for many from the oilem. She would have been no better with the arrests.)
Thank you 9 is backed up to Presidential not moving continue patting yourselves on the back…trees coming down on oak for some more houses B”h actually there was no landslide on the governor’s race in Lakewood, it would be nice if tls wouldn’t omit those results.. and there was no “technicality for spigel the write in was for a different seat a one year term please don’t write propaganda it’s like someone running for Senate and Congress and a technicality that you can’t combined their totals??
Bottom line is the haters will hate, bitter will be bitter. Because they can’t fargin Achdus and success. Go Vaad Go!!!
Signed, a Lakewood baalbus who sits in traffic too and isn’t bitter about everything in life.
@ Bottom Line: Love the positive attitude. I’m in the same boat as you. I would like to add – If you can be positive and happy why make your life miserable by being pessimistic and angry at everything! Have a great day Chevra! We have so much going for us! Let’s keep the positive energy going! Think good it will be good!
I concur with Bottom Line!
The “haters” are just that Haters!
We yidden always lived in dense places. Look at our own land, eretz yisroel. EY and Yerushalayim was always crowded. And that was our Brocha!!!
Every yid that moves to town brings Brocha and Shmira. The intolerance comes from pure sinas chinum!!!
with that popular vote garbage you probably believe hillary is the president
Love positivity!!
The angry bitter ones that are angry all they want is to be noticed, it is exhausting.
Stay away from negativity and move forward.
Congrats to the winners. Its good that The Vaad endorsed Murphy but Im surprised Guadango got more votes in our districts. How did that happen ?!!
because people like me don’t vote for anti-Torah values candidates even if the Vaad endorses them
To number 10, Lol! This not a major presidency election…
and to get so much votes is a major win, Hillary didn’t lose by technicality, this is.
no this guy was running for 2 different seats a 3 year seat and as a write in for a 1 year seat that means that it’s possible for to vote for him for both seats so if he gets more votes for 2 different seats it’s not a technicality that he lost its like if someone ran for senate and the house you can’t combine the votes not because of a technicality but because it’s not for the same seat if you don’t win the seat its not a win
Kudos to the vaad who work tirelessly to help the tzibur despite the accusations of some that they’re just in it for their own benefit. I happen to know several of them and they’re the most honest caring people that you’ll ever meet. Our power is in our unity and it’s a shame that some want to break our unity with baseless accusations!
yay congrads to murphy we will now have legal marijuana become a sanctuary state government funded planned parenthood property tax increase gr8 choice