EXCLUSIVE: Eagle Ridge Development Plans Significantly Reduced; Plans

It was previously reported that an initial plan was filed to develop 1,872 homes and 200,000 square feet of retail on the current Eagle Ridge Golf Club.

TLS has learned that the DEP has approved only 517 units and 68,000 square feet of retail. The DEP reviewed the plans during the CAFRA process leading to the reduction of hundreds of units and the allocation of over 60 acres of open space allotted to parks and recreation. In addition, the current plan eliminates all triplexes.

In a statement, GDMS, the holding company behind the development says, “our focus has always been to find the best way to use the land and bring the most benefit to the community. We welcome the DEP’s diligence and the public’s input. We are confident that the end product will be better for everyone as a result.”

The plan originally drew public attention, but, “after months of review, public testimony and input,” says GDMS’s attorney Mike Gross, “this resulted in a final product that best serves the community interest.”

The CAFRA approval will enable the developer to proceed with a residential project. Prior to the CAFRA application, the only permitted use would have been school campuses. According to residents in the vicinity of Eagle Ridge, this would be a less desirable option. And, although educational institutions are exempt from CARFA, GDMS continues to remain focused on the best interests of the area’s residents.

“We don’t see this as a loss but rather a gain,” Shmuli Rosenberg, GDMS’s spokesperson told TLS. “When the voices of the people are heard, everyone wins. This will ultimately lead to a better and smarter development for our community.”

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  1. What kind of positive impact is this development having on our community when these houses are marketed almost exclusively to people in NY???

  2. On average every home adds four more vehicles to Lakewood roads. This development would add about 2,100, Where are we putting these vehicles?

  3. I hate to say it, but lakewood should really stop building the way they’ve been until now.

    Development with one entrance and exit is a mess. Also why the duplexes?

    How about getting the people of Lakewood’s approval? and not the the township.

    After all aren’t we the ones that will have to live with it?

  4. I just can’t wrap my head around adding so many homes onto a street that is already currently so congested. Each candidate that runs preaches over and over about the infrastructure of our town. It’s a bunch of bla bla when we add more difficulty to that problem. I’m supportive of expanding our community and kol hakavod to expanding our town with more affordable homes, BUT it has to make sense.

  5. I voted for comittee. DO WE HAVE ANY CHOICES????? Any and ALL of them that I ever voted OK’d building. So who should i vote for? There should be a PUBLIC VOTE!!!!!!!!!

  6. Building Is here to stay, the community will continue to expand smartly or lack thereof this is the way the town runs, deal with it as everyone else has to. It aint changing anytime soon.

  7. 517 duplexes= 2 house residents and 2 basement rentals each house.
    Over 2000 new residents plus children.
    And all the other traffic for shopping and prayer.

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