Exclusive Chanukah Deal from WeShoot! (While Supplies Last)

Exclusive Chanukah Deal! Mention TLS at @weshootusa, and get 2 additional taser cartridges FREE! ($70 value!)

Theses tasers are legal in New Jersey – no permit required.

Located at 1955 Swarthmore Ave, Lakewood.

Deal available until 12/20/2020, or while supplies last!

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    • Yaakov prepared for war with Eisav. Avraham waged war to rescue Lot. Moshe Rabbeinu waged war on Sichon, Og, etc. Dovid HaMelech, Yehuda Hamacabi, Shimshon Hagibor, etc. While fighting and weapons are the tools of Eisav, it doesn’t mean Jews should never defend themselves b’derech hateva (after davening).

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