EXCLUSIVE – AUDIO: Assemblyman Carroll talks to TLS about his Proposed Bill to Lower Drinking Age in NJ

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I agree that it should be lowered to 18, but people are often unaware of the provision set forth under NJ law that allows someone under 21 to consume alcohol: “A person must be 21 years of age or older to legally purchase or consume any alcoholic beverage on a licensed premises. There is absolutely no exception to this. (N.J.S.A. 9:17B-1) However, persons under the age of 21 can legally drink in connection with a religious ceremony or at home under parental supervision”.
source: http://www.nj.gov/oag/abc/faqs.html#2
Oh, so this is his big problem today. 18 yr olds can’t drink at their own wedding receptions. Terrible. As if there R lots of 18 yr olds getting married in his district. There oughta be a law…….
No no no do you really want to see kids die faster…. Think about it people ….if that’s the case you should put it to 25 Not 18 really !!!!!!my opinion not a good idea my kids don’t drink so I really don’t care I just think is a bad idea too many drunk drivers out there!!!!!
Think about this: You can perfectly legally drive at 18 but you cant drink while you’re legally driving.
Denmark seems to have one of the lowest suicide rates. So not sure where that stat came from.