Every Non Response In The Census Cost’s Lakewood Over $12,000 Per Year

census spanish sign glatt bitePoliticians throughout the state of NJ are keeping a close eye on Lakewood’s Census data. Lakewood has seen explosive population growth over the years, growth that could vastly change the political landscape of NJ forever.  As Freeholder Joseph Vicarri puts it “their eyes are going to pop out when they see the numbers of Lakewood”. The accuracy of these numbers cannot be stressed enough. They affect virtually every conceivable facet of life that can possibly be imagined under the American Constitution. America is run on two things; The Constitution and the Census. The numbers are the clincher for all economic growth and stimulus. Constituent bases are the one thing politicians care about. If the Washington Lobbying firms show the benefit of the numbers to Congress – they have a winning strategy. Without those numbers – they lost.

The response in Lakewood has been fairly decent with the Majority of Lakewood realizing the benefits of this. The shocking however is that the enumerators reported that many of the non respondents have been very limited in their cooperation when receiving a visit.

If only they would realize how much their non response cost’s our community for the short and long term. If only they would realize the consequences that a miscount has on the Mosdos, the Taxes, the Social Services programs for those in need. If only they would realize the adverse affects their lack of response has on the local businesses, the Lakewood infrastructure and the zoning laws.

The bottom line is that every non response is a loss for Lakewood in the form of $12,043 per capita that the Federal Government spends on the United States residents. For every 100 people not counted that’s over 1 million dollars a year lost for the state of New Jersey. And the bottom line is that if the numbers show that Lakewood only has 75% of the resident’s that it really has the remaining money goes elsewhere. You can do the Math – but remember to multiply that number by 10 until the next Decennial Census in 2020.

It’s hard to believe that Lakewood can afford that kind of a loss.

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  1. I never got a census in the mail , and I own my home.Please tell me how to fill out one if I never got it.By the way alot of people in my neighborhood never received one

  2. The problem is that the local census office seems inept at dealing with muliple tenants . Someone has to step up and take charge. The office seems lost at best.

  3. something sounds off, the average family doesnt pay that amount of taxes to the federal govt. How can each family recieve that amount of funding? we dont recieve benifits for all the money we give

  4. As someone who lives in a basement in whispering pines, I can tell you that a lot of us were not counted and have no clue what to do. Some said to get a separate form but then we were told that would invalidate the upstairs,some told the upstairs to include them but don’t believe that they did for fear of legal ramifications. Short end of it is Lakewood is going to lose out big bucks if they don’t include ALL the basements. Instead of our elected officials fighting for their own good in their elections and those candidates running for the first time, put aside your personal needs and show the community that we come first and help Lakewood get the funding and attention we deserve.

  5. #8: The “average” family’s taxes are but a drop in the bucket when it comes to the total taxes collected. The wealthiest 10% pay 80% of the total personal income taxes collected in the US. Further, personal income taxes account for but a small portion of the total taxes collected with corporate income taxes making up the majority.

  6. Blame the cencus office they just did it for the Money and temporary jobs it offers they did not do a good job in explaining or helping all renters etc… THEY are the ones to blame yet they point the finger at the citizens since when funding does come it is they who receive it and spend it while it never reaches the taxpayer.

  7. why dont you post my comment which builder paid you off i didnt attack any one by name why are you only pro census and what about all the reasons not to answer it

  8. Can someone explain to me why I should let them into my house? They say the town gets more funding. In this town “the town” getting funding usualy means a select few with connections get all of it. I’m sorry I’m just not getting involved with this to help a select few people get their extra funding.

  9. Are you trying to say that for every child of illegals that is enrolled in school we would break even if they would only fill out the census? Cool!!! Why don’t we start importing mexicans to add more to our numbers. It doesn’t cost anything, and we get cleaning ladies out of the deal.
    Sorry but your numbers make no sense-us.

  10. Regular Joe: If they don’t get it from the census $$, they’ll get it directly from you in higher taxes. Dealing with the census guy is the lesser of two evils.

  11. To those who are afraid to be counted in the census, please refer to the letter that was issued a few weeks ago or speak it through with your Rov immediately.

  12. Some one actually knocked my door yesterday from the Census. It took all of 3 mins to answer her questions. its not that hard to cooperate with them.

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