PHOTOS & VIDEO: EMS, joined by the Lakewood Fire Department, trained new members in extrication today. EMS Supervisor Scott Carter says the EMS department has recently hired 5 additional part time employees, who are being trained with the department’s required extrication training.
Lakewood First Aid, the volunteer squad serving as an extended arm to EMS, currently serves as the primary extrication team for EMS.
The Lakewood Fire Department stood by in case any vehicles caught fire.
The training took place at the DPW headquarters, where they were able to utilize some of the junk cars disposed of by Lakewood Police Department.
They could have sold those cars at auction (cab companies scoop them up like hot-cakes) and made atleast $500-$1000 each.
The local junk yard, would gladly give them a car that is about to be crushed with free delivery to & from.
Then take the monies made from auction, and donate it back to the township.
So its wrong for the township to train their employees if they could have made $1000.00 instead? (FYI the cars are still worth a few hundred bucks in scrap metal)
#2 are you blind?
where did i say that its wrong for the township to train their employee’s? all i said was in such a dire time, where money is short all around; cutting up cars that could bring the township money is silly!
instead if your going to cut cars up for training (that i too went through with my fire dept) use JUNK YARD CARS!!
not cars that could bring the township money!
-with your mentality, why not cut up every car in the township fleet? After all, its for training. The hurst tool only works on newer cars, right? it doesnt like junk-yard cars?
think about it: selling two cars at $500 = $1,000
Thats enough money to install some new emergency lights, or a couple packages of flairs, or some new police uniforms, or even a non-lethal weapon for the police to use!
i asked, the cars cut up were cars already assigned under resolution to be scrapped, public works already salvaged all the items it could. these are not sellable and they would not even work. so it makes since, train people on vehicles before you throw them away. it sounds like people are really thinking here and using all the resources possible.
it is not easy to get vehicles any longer as many of the junk yards are getting rid of them same day due to high metal prices.
glad to see Ems is doing the right thing and staying current on skills.
#1. I am on a rescue/fire department in monmouth county and if you can advise what junk yard will freely give up cars, deliver and pick back up, i will respect you more than i do now. we had to pay for junked cars only two months ago to do our training and we had to beg a local vendor to take them back.
TO #5
i have had friends work with the junkyard “AAA Management” in Manalapan/Monroe boarder- they always drop off and bring back cars for free for training. I called my friend and he deals with the boss Eugene. I was advised to give this number:
“we had to beg a local vendor to take them back.” – why would a junk yard have to be begged to take back what belongs to them, what will bring them a couple hundred bucks in scrap metal? that doesnt even make sense.