In case you thought the Township’s ordinance against employers and solicitors was a one time thing, it’s not so. This morning police patrolling Clifton Avenue witnessed a man picking up 3 Hispanic day laborers and issued a summons to each one of them. The fine? A hefty $250 for each party.
In December of last year, the Township designated an ESA (Employment Services Area) – located in the municipal parking lot between First and Second streets – and created a zero-tolerance statue which prohibits soliciting anywhere outside the designated Muster Zone.
The zero-tolerance enforcement came after Chief Lawson says ample warning were issued attempting to enforce the ordinance, created in February of 2010. TLS-CCP.
what is so hard about walking few more feet to where you are supposed to be !!!???
How can they collect a fine from undocumented ilegals?
The driver might have been a Car Service!!!
three of them will be back, probobly with different id’s in an hour. the person picking them up will be the only one to pay the fine….maybe.!
Thank you LPD!
Please tell me what crime did they commit
@ #6
They did not commit any crime. They disobeyed a legal ordinance from the Township, and there is a fine for doing so.
They will not go to jail, don’t worry.
Our country runs on laws. The law is very specific that you may not pick up day laborers on Clifton Ave.
Why is there a designated Muster Zone allowed altogether?
If these laborers are illegal, there should be zero tolerance ANYWHERE in the USA!
Was that officer (moderated) who has nothing else 2 do ???
The problem is that the federal government refuses to enforce immigration laws.
about time good jod LPD
to # 6
do you not understand the term ILLEGAL immigrant???? they pay no property taxes but you have to educate their children, pay for their medical costs, just go to the hospital ER and open your eyes. undocumented alien (nice politically correct term) i guess a drug dealer should be called an unlicensed pharmacist.
We all talk about illegal immigrants and yet some residents hire them and without paying them, is that fair…
A man is worthy of his hire-you hired him or her for a days work all deserve to get paid
Keep handing out summonses LPD! Keep the money here where it belongs and keep boosting the economy!
good he deserved that summons cause doing this is completely illegal. never give a person a job without them showing you proper papers.
let them pay taxs, they well go back .
for your info, they do pay taxes. They pay sales taxes, also even on the rent they pay, due to the fact, that they pay property taxes thru the taxes we pay on the homes they rent from us. When our taxes go up, we up their rents. Many have ITIN # which is a tax ID # and they pay our goverment taxes on the $$ they make even if they are paid in cash. So know your facts. Just like in every community or ethnic group, you have bad ones and you have good ones.
very well said # 18.
they buy it all, do they have a green card ask them
it s illegal for u or anyone else to ask to see green card.
to #18
then you are part of the problem by knowingly renting out houses to illegals. how many of them have social security cards in their real name???? everyone pays sales taxes ( except tax exempt orgs.).
If they have social security cards that aren’t in their names & they work, they have all the taxes taken out from their pay checks and don’t claim it, so who is winning the Goverment. That’s why the goverment doesn’t do anything about them. It’s all about the benjamins ($$$$$) that stays in our goverment unclaimed!!! And further more I am not part of the problem, cause I don’t have a home to rent out to them. But I know a lot of people in Lakewood that do rent to them. Like I said it’s all about the $$$$. The contribute just like the next guy, even though you might not want to accept the facts….! Sorry, but it’s the truth.