All too often we don’t make it through the full Sefira with a Brocha because we accidentally missed counting one day. If we only had that daily reminder. Well now you can! Help-A-Yid in conjunction with YWN and TLS have set up an easy method to remind you to count Sefira.
Just fill out the simple form to start receiving your daily Sefira reminder via SMS (text message) or email.
Although there is no fee to use our services, standard text messaging rates from your carrier may apply.
Easiest reminder: Daven Maariv with a minyan!
and stay to the end!!!!!
Davening be tzibbur usually helps…even if u miss a maariv there is usually a reminder by schachris
Hmmm…What about “The early Shabbos Chevra”….how would they be informed..for the Friday night counting??
I’m starting to get nervous….that people will be relying on the Email to do the actual counting…
what abt ladies who dont go to maariv
guys get a life its only a reminder
This is a great thing. Ignore all the comments.
And how do I look at my email on fri night?
if i sign up, will i start receiving spamy text messages or emails from the locals?
halo, whats the big deal?? nowadays, every phone has calendar alerts. Just set your own phone to off every nite
In response to #6 The Mishna Berura says ‘that ladies do not have to count sefira’ the reason being they most often to not complete the whole cycle, since they are busy with the kids and also, they do not daven marriv btzibur.
yeh thats a hassle to set 49 days to do that bec u have to do each day individually so just go with this its hassle free and everyone jst thank these people instead of complaining abt everything someone does