[9:00 PM POLLS ARE NOW CLOSED-ALL UPDATES IN EXTENDED ARTICLE] The six candidates running, are: Irene Miccio, Meir Grunhut, Yoni Silver, Lee Mund, Joel Schwartz and Meir Singer.
FIRST NUMBERS: 9:07PM – Under 1% of votes counted.
– Lee Mund | 144 | 16.96% |
– Joel Schwartz | 120 | 14.13% |
– Jonathan D. Silver | 157 | 18.49% |
– Meir Singer | 131 | 15.43% |
– Irene Miccio | 175 | 20.61% |
– Meir Grunhut | 104 | 12.25% |
Write-In | 18 | 2.12% |
Total | 849 | 100.00% |
– Lee Mund | 238 | 13.23% |
– Joel Schwartz | 210 | 11.67% |
– Jonathan D. Silver | 256 | 14.23% |
– Meir Singer | 352 | 19.57% |
– Irene Miccio | 391 | 21.73% |
– Meir Grunhut | 324 | 18.01% |
Write-In | 28 | 1.56% |
Total | 1,799 | 100.00% |
– Lee Mund | 631 | 17.40% |
– Joel Schwartz | 592 | 16.32% |
– Jonathan D. Silver | 648 | 17.87% |
– Meir Singer | 572 | 15.77% |
– Irene Miccio | 612 | 16.87% |
– Meir Grunhut | 543 | 14.97% |
Write-In | 29 | 0.100% |
Total | 3,627 | 100.00% |
– Lee Mund | 763 | 17.05% |
– Joel Schwartz | 716 | 16.00% |
– Jonathan D. Silver | 781 | 17.45% |
– Meir Singer | 727 | 16.25% |
– Irene Miccio | 763 | 17.05% |
– Meir Grunhut | 690 | 15.42% |
Write-In | 35 | 0.78% |
Total | 4,475 | 100.00% |
9:41PM -12/43 Districts counted.
– Lee Mund | 956 | 16.97% |
– Joel Schwartz | 896 | 15.90% |
– Jonathan D. Silver | 970 | 17.21% |
– Meir Singer | 931 | 16.52% |
– Irene Miccio | 970 | 17.21% |
– Meir Grunhut | 872 | 15.47% |
Write-In | 40 | 0.71% |
Total | 5,635 | 100.00% |
– Lee Mund | 1,662 | 20.22% |
– Joel Schwartz | 1,597 | 19.43% |
– Jonathan D. Silver | 1,678 | 20.42% |
– Meir Singer | 1,084 | 13.19% |
– Irene Miccio | 1,136 | 13.82% |
– Meir Grunhut | 1,017 | 12.37% |
Write-In | 45 | 0.55% |
Total | 8,219 | 100.00% |
9:52PM – 18/43 41.86% counted.
– Lee Mund | 1,749 | 20.27% |
– Joel Schwartz | 1,663 | 19.27% |
– Jonathan D. Silver | 1,750 | 20.28% |
– Meir Singer | 1,140 | 13.21% |
– Irene Miccio | 1,219 | 14.13% |
– Meir Grunhut | 1,063 | 12.32% |
Write-In | 46 | 0.53% |
Total | 8,630 | 100.00% |
9:58PM – 21/43 48.84% counted.
– Lee Mund | 1,858 | 19.90% |
– Joel Schwartz | 1,764 | 18.89% |
– Jonathan D. Silver | 1,856 | 19.87% |
– Meir Singer | 1,270 | 13.60% |
– Irene Miccio | 1,355 | 14.51% |
– Meir Grunhut | 1,183 | 12.67% |
Write-In | 53 | 0.57% |
Total | 9,339 | 100.00% |
10:04PM – 23/43 53.49% counted.
– Lee Mund | 1,930 | 19.20% |
– Joel Schwartz | 1,844 | 18.35% |
– Jonathan D. Silver | 1,938 | 19.28% |
– Meir Singer | 1,433 | 14.26% |
– Irene Miccio | 1,513 | 15.05% |
– Meir Grunhut | 1,338 | 13.31% |
Write-In | 54 | 0.54% |
Total | 10,050 | 100.00% |
10:12PM – 25/43 58.14% counted.
– Lee Mund | 2,002 | 19.31% |
– Joel Schwartz | 1,899 | 18.31% |
– Jonathan D. Silver | 2,011 | 19.39% |
– Meir Singer | 1,458 | 14.06% |
– Irene Miccio | 1,573 | 15.17% |
– Meir Grunhut | 1,366 | 13.17% |
Write-In | 61 | 0.59% |
Total | 10,370 | 100.00% |
10:17PM – 31/43 72.09% counted.
– Lee Mund | 2,233 | 19.32% |
– Joel Schwartz | 2,120 | 18.34% |
– Jonathan D. Silver | 2,232 | 19.31% |
– Meir Singer | 1,616 | 13.98% |
– Irene Miccio | 1,773 | 15.34% |
– Meir Grunhut | 1,523 | 13.18% |
Write-In | 62 | 0.54% |
Total | 11,559 | 100.00% |
10:22PM – 34/43 79.07% counted.
– Lee Mund | 2,413 | 18.84% |
– Joel Schwartz | 2,308 | 18.02% |
– Jonathan D. Silver | 2,440 | 19.05% |
– Meir Singer | 1,836 | 14.33% |
– Irene Miccio | 1,990 | 15.54% |
– Meir Grunhut | 1,758 | 13.73% |
Write-In | 63 | 0.49% |
Total | 12,808 | 100.00% |
10:28PM – 38/43 88.37% counted.
– Lee Mund | 2,604 | 18.41% |
– Joel Schwartz | 2,494 | 17.63% |
– Jonathan D. Silver | 2,636 | 18.64% |
– Meir Singer | 2,090 | 14.78% |
– Irene Miccio | 2,241 | 15.85% |
– Meir Grunhut | 2,011 | 14.22% |
Write-In | 67 | 0.47% |
Total | 14,143 | 100.00% |
10:32PM – 41/43 95.35%
– Lee Mund | 2,899 | 18.18% |
– Joel Schwartz | 2,793 | 17.51% |
– Jonathan D. Silver | 2,953 | 18.51% |
– Meir Singer | 2,387 | 14.97% |
– Irene Miccio | 2,537 | 15.91% |
– Meir Grunhut | 2,309 | 14.48% |
Write-In | 72 | 0.45% |
Total | 15,950 | 100.00% |
Its as e-z as 12&3
where are the polling stations?
Let’s go 456
456 is the way to go!
1,2,3 is transparency fiscal responsbilty and for all our children.
Why hasn’t Meir singer come out with a statement?? Make me think……
To number 2, look at your ballot that came in the mail, that is if you are a registered voter of Lakewood.
1, 2, & 3.
i am voting for 1,2,3
its easy 123.
1 2 3 all the way
1, 2, 3
Lakewood unite under our leadership of the Rosh hamosdos!!
!-2-3 and out you go! What about the budget question???
1-A,Mund 2-A,Schwartz 3-A, Silver.
Thank you for being “Oisek Betzorchei Tzibur” I know you guys are truly “L’shem Shomaiyim”.
Which Roshai Mosdos I didnt see any signatures just NAMES
I predict a win by the igud of only 100 votes
To #16: NO! You never want a budget increase
123 stands for fiscal responsibility and open competitive bidding – in other words proper management of BOE funds. They have made that clear. What does 456 stand for?
Let’s go blue team!!
One, Two, Three for Me!
what is the real difference between 1,2,3 verses 4,5,6?
123 nothins for free
There is alot of negative information out there about the Igud and why they are supporting 456, but TLS will not allow it through.
Just voted 123
We all know the results are going to be 456 for heaven sakes hashem wouldn’t hurt his kinderlach
And the circus has once again come to town.
Got his call. Had some questions. Called the number 732-364-1111. He picked-up himself, and answered all my concerns. As a parent with children who were suddenly dropped from PT/OT, i urge you to vote for Rabbi Hertz’s endorsed candidates. If you have any concerns, do what I did. Just call rabbi Hertz to get the facts.
who said Rabbi Hertz’s facts are facts. maybe they are opinions. I would like to vote for 123 but i don’t know anything about 4,5,6. Why should i vote for 4,5,6 just because i am told to do it without a reason. I don’t have blind trust – EVERYONE has negios. Can anyone come forth with some reasons to vot 4,5,6???
Or some reasons NOT to vote for 1,2,3. I would like to see the differences black and white.
vote for 123 like 123 auto deals
Had a simple question – where to vote. Called Rabbi Hertz and he answered: Eleanor Levovitz Apts.
Thank you Reb Meir.
Just voted with the Vaad-go for 4-5-6!
Lower numbers (1-2-3) = Lower Taxes. Higher numbers (4-5-6) = Higher Taxes. Easy to remember.
Also, vote NO on the Budget Question. There’s still more fat to trim.
“who said Rabbi Hertz’s facts are facts”?
Read the campaign materials. Not hard to figure it out.
It’s all there in Black and White, dates, events, facts, figures, documented.
4-5-6 NADA.
All you need to do is to LOOK.
just voted 123 simply because they explained the positions and showed respect for the voter by telling us what the issues at hand are. 456 maybe good candidates too but just a letter from Roshei mosdos with out any explanation is not enough. people should be treated with respect not takin for granted as little kids who just follow orders.
We trust Rabbi Hertz who has done a great job with fighting for all our children throughout the latest decades, why should we not follow his recommendations now?
It’s going to be close so, please, VOTE for the candidates 1A, 2A, 3A that have given us enough information to know why we are to trust their judgement. PERIOD ! Sof posuk.
Vote 1-2-3 since they are not beholden to anyone and want to do the right thing for all the children. They believe in keeping an eye out for unneeded exppenses and have alligned themselves with those that have lowered tthe school t axesover the past two years instead of the crazy school taxes of the previous 6-7 years. we should never go back to the free wheeling days of rediculous tax increases of the past..
Perhaps the Roshei Mosdos aren’t explaining why because they know something you don’t. Perhaps not everything can be written in black and white in the public sphere? People use your seichel, if the vast majority of Roshei Mosdos say this is better for our kids, maybe they know something. Do you really think everything can be printed or that outsiders know better? Do you really think that people are just pocketing money? Schools hardly get by with the tuition at its low. Would you like to start paying more every month and save MAYBE a few hundred a year on your property taxes?
why not vote 234 then you could be yoitzai beider
voted #1 and 2 write in, mickey mouse and donald duck.
four five six….. is the way to go!!
Vote 4,5 and 6 because they aren’t in it for themselves. That is why you dont see them all over and here the noise they make. They are in it for the betterment of the klal!
And Meir Singer is a tru oved hashem and a big tzaddik. I know of a family he helps shtileh heyt for years now. Not just financially but with all their specific and unique needs and nobody knows about it (I happened to know because i was somehow envolved in one of his advocacy mission for this family). If he is involved thats all i need to know. He never puts himself first and always does things bederech hayushur!
Vote 4,5&6!
This election is vital for our community, we need a board that someone has a power over 456 is what I did I believe everyone has but some must answer in this world
God bless america
Please show a SIGNED endorsement for 4-5-6 from the Roshei Hamosdos. The one I saw is just a list of names, no signatures!
I am still waiting for the VVAd to explain why 456. Whatever happened to all the hakoras hatov for an incumbent? Silver has been moser nefesh for this and where is all the hakoras hatov?
I understand the importance of the election and how it will affect everyone, yada, yada, yada, BUT………….. enough phone calls!!!!!!!!! I received 4 phone calls (that i was home for) just this afternoon. I think it’s a just a tiny bit annoying!!!!!!!!!!!!
meir grunhut has done a tremendous amount for the klal.
when we had a big issue he was the only one who cared to help- and went above and beyond his duty to make sure everything was ok
meir grunhut!!!!!!!!!!!!
I agree! 4 phone calls? I got 3 yesterday and 6, yes, SIX today. I do have other things to do than run for these phone calls. If I am on the ‘do not call’ list are they allowed to call me? Is there a do not call list for non-profits because I don’t give money over the phone and I’ve had it with the unlimited number of automated calls I get. It’s out of control!
1 2 3 yippee
I voted 4 5 6 just because I was annoyed from all the robocalls I received today from 1 2 3
again I will try to post my oppinion here without it censored by the moderator by not posting my statement,we have to have true representaion of the students in the public schools and the ony way for that to happen is to have a BOE that actually has a makeup of members who have children in the public school sysytem .Now if you find that offensive I’m truely sorry that you cannot see both sides to this issue
trust me 123 is the way to go. 456 is like voting Obama in again.
this whole thing is a scam
Where do I go to vote?
Voting for 123 as per the LAC is like voting for obama , a bunch of lipsinking to get your vote then blaming everyone else for their mistakes.
Has anyone heard 1 word from candidate Singer ?Does anyone even know what he looks like ? Why do they expect us to just vote blindly because they say so ?A little more respect please
Vote 1-2-3 – Keep our taxes down!
123 asap!
please dont publisize voting for 456. your making yourself into (moderated)!
To An askin that knows:
Ok. I trust you.
Who are you? I know An askin that knows different than you. This is like K’atzon L’Tevach Yuval! The blind following the blind!
If you know the issues, what each candidate stands for, then vote after you have made a decision based upon your own
Sechel! “Trust me; I know” Wow! Can you be my leader, tatty?
123 123 123 123 123 123
This is such a desperate election, there are more phone calls than when it is for a politician. I voted 1,2,3 of course.
Let the results roll in….
polls are now closed!!!
vote 1, 2,3
How can any person vote for someone that never made a statement or appearance??
Is this Mr Singer a fictitious character?
Or do you simply vote for someone because others tell you to?
Member of the Board of Ed. Lakewood Twp
Votes Processed – Polling Place/Percent : 21/43 48.84%
Vote Count Percent
– Lee Mund 1,858 19.90%
– Joel Schwartz 1,764 18.89%
– Jonathan D. Silver 1,856 19.87%
– Meir Singer 1,270 13.60%
– Irene Miccio 1,355 14.51%
– Meir Grunhut 1,183 12.67%
Write-In 53 0.57%
Total 9,339 100.00%
Keep it coming 1-2-3!!
Member of the Board of Ed. Lakewood Twp
Votes Processed – Polling Place/Percent : 25/43 58.14%
Vote Count Percent
– Lee Mund 2,002 19.31%
– Joel Schwartz 1,899 18.31%
– Jonathan D. Silver 2,011 19.39%
– Meir Singer 1,458 14.06%
– Irene Miccio 1,573 15.17%
– Meir Grunhut 1,366 13.17%
Write-In 61 0.59%
Total 10,370 100.00%
Mund, Silver, and Schwartz. You are about to make history. Go 1, 2, & 3.
I am the family that the last commenter was referring too. Meir singer has been so instrumental in helping my family out for so long. I didn’t know him personally but he came to me through a friend and has been in my corner ever since. I can’t begin to say how amazing of a human being he is always thinking how he can do more for others. Not just me. I know personally that he is constantly busy with helping other underprivileged families. I only hope that he can have the opportunity to help others in the future the way he has for me.
I am the family the last commenter was referring to.Meir singer has done more for my family that I could ever repay him for. He only looks to help. I only hope that he has the opportunity to help others the way he has helped my family. Thank you Meir singer
Lakewood – I am so proud of you tonight. You voted with your brains, not your emotions.
If the entire country votes this way in November, Obama will be history.
GO 123
I am sure Meir Singer is a fine individual but when you run for public office youa re expected to acknowledge teh public and respon din kind. he didn’t even play the game with a statement or picture.
Sad day for public education. The will of the sheep prevails..
Just to clarify.
The Igud never said that 1, 2, & 3 are BAD, just that they felt, combined with past experience, that 4, 5, & 6 can justly serve the Kehilla’s needs. #’s 1, 2, & 3 are NOT anti – Mosdos, nor are the Mosdos (to the best of my knowledge) against them personally. I say lets approach them with an open mind and see if their votes reflect our needs and the needs of ALL Lakewood children and parents.
As an aside – the BOE is too important to be a once a year issue. We need to stay informed, educated (PTP) and engaged year round. Waking up at the last minute and trying to cram the issues into our brains in one day is as bad an idea as it sounds.
it seems like the board president is always voted out…last time ostriecher
how do they choose pres and what power does he have over rest of board?
This will hopefully be a “Shot heard ’round the world”.
Time to take the oilum seriously. Wake up guys, before it’s too late!
Good news for Lakewood taxpayers . I expect we will be hearing more from board members at the meetings
1111111111 22222222222222 333333333333
# 80 hes a great guy but why didnt he issue any statement before the election.
1 – 2- 3, let the party start…………… 🙂
Mazal Tov to the winners. May you be zoche to keep your campaign promises
Congratulations Jonathon Silver, Lee Mund, and Joel Schwartz. This is an amazing victory for all Lakewood residents. God bless you and our best wishes go with you. Make us proud of you.
The BOE is too important to be a once-a-year issue. We need to stay informed, educated (PTP) and engaged year round. Waking up at the last minute and trying to cram the issues into our brains in one day is as bad an idea as it sounds.
Well I glad to be part of this historical moment!!
Well I guess the people voted for the ones who they wanted may this teach us a big big lesson! MEZEL TOV! Winners do let’s get to work