[COMMUNICATED] R’ Dovid Cohen is known as someone that people can come to when they have nowhere else to turn. But when eight little children in tattered rags showed up at his doorstep, it took all of his will not to break down and cry.
The children told him their story as he listened in disbelief. The eight of them had watched for several years as their mother battled a very painful disease. They stood on helplessly as their once strong mother slowly deteriorated, eventually becoming paralyzed and wheelchair-ridden. Along with her health, the family’s financial situation started to crumble as well. Groceries in the house started to become sparse and their clothing began to tear. Recently they stood at their mother’s grave, crying their hearts out, left with nothing in this world.
Rav Cohen’s heart went out for these orphans who have no one to take care of them. The Rav has made it his personal mission to help them. In his words (Haskama below),
“The cries of eight orphans have come before me, their mother has passed away, and their situation is difficult in the extreme, as they have been left completely alone. It is a great mitzvah to save these eight orphans, similar to the story mentioned in the Gemara (Bava Basra 11) that Binyamin HaTzaddik saved 8 lives and 22 years of life were added to his lifespan, and measure for measure all those who donate should merit a long life, with good days and abundant parnassah, with nachas from all their descendants.”
It is truly a worthy cause, one with schar promised beyond our scope of measurement. But beyond that, donors can feel good knowing that they have helped vulnerable little Jewish children with noone else to take care of them. Who knows what they may grow up to be?