Eastern Union: Want to start your day off right? Join us starting tomorrow morning at the shiur and shachris minyan at the Eastern Union headquarters as we start learning Mesechtes Makkos, and its only 23 blatt!
Free Artscroll Gemaras available at the shiur for all participants to use and keep. Come enjoy a clear and concise Daf Yomi shiur delivered by Rav Shmuel Bernath, liluy nishmas HaRav Meir Yaakov Ben Hagaon HaRav Ahron Zlotowitz zt”l.
The shiur begins at 7:45 AM each day, and will take place weekday mornings (besides for Monday and Thursday with a 7:35 AM start time), followed by a well- paced shacharis starting at 8:15 that ends each day before 9:00 AM. A light breakfast will be served after shachris.
The location of the shiur is at Oak Glen Plaza, located right off Squankum Road on the way out of Lakewood at: 481 Oak Glen Rd, in Howell, NJ. Plenty of parking available.
For more details please call or text Lazer 732-674-0854.
I know the מגיד שיעור personally. He’s something special!
Whoever has the opportunity to join, should seize it!