Dryer Fire Damages Residence In Jackson [PHOTOS]

A Jackson home was damaged in a dryer fire last night.

Shortly before 11:00 PM, firefighters were dispatched to Piccadilly Drive for a reported dryer fire with one occupant unaccounted for.

Upon arrival, the Jackson Mills Fire Chief was able to determine that all occupants were accounted for and that there was a heavy smoke condition inside.

The fire department crews were then able to quickly extinguish the fire, containing it to a single room.

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  1. sometimes it can be a build up of lint in the filter ,it should be cleaned every time after running the dryer , also it could be an electrical issue

  2. Usually Lint build up. The lint trap needs to be cleaned out after every use. The duct to the outside of the house also needs to be cleaned out . Read the manual, the section that has to do with maintenance.

  3. not cleaning the dryervent on the outside of the home every two years or so. You need to call someone down like dryervent company that will vaccum it for you.
    Just like you no you must switch you ac filter ever few months, this is much more serious and every home owner and renter must know that they must clean their dryervent every two years or so

  4. I think that lint build up can cause a dryer fire. Lint is flammable and sometimes lint is in the vent and you need to have your dryer vent cleaned at least once in 2 years or maybe 2 1/2 years.
    After every wash it is a good idea to clean the lint from the machine.

  5. i just spoke with a family member whose dryer is featured in this article. He told me that it was caused by part of a towel that was stuck inside and had not been visible

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