As first reported on TLS, the Lakewood Township is in the midst of constructing a walking path across Lake Carasaljo – among other upgrades.
Some residents had questions with regards to boating and other concerns, some of which were addressed in an Ask The Mayor article.
In the initial article, some readers also wondered about the safety etc.
As you can see in the video and pictures below, the path is being constructed with gates on either side of the path.
The project is expected to be completed in several weeks, officials tell TLS.
So scary!! Little kids will be walking across snd could fall in. That’s not a high gate!!
More wasted money-just t make the bridge accross and actually do something people want. After all this is MY TAX MONEY – AND YOURS
Ok Tatty
Like what..?
so we have money for paths across the lake ( and to fight massive lawsuit because that gate is not going to keep kids from falling in) but no money to fix the roads ….
the zechus of tashlich will be immeasurable!
Is it a bridge or a dock?
The ask the mayor response seemed to indicate it was just a dock.
But it goes all the way across and looks (and quacks) like a bridge..
Unless the mayor was answering that a bridge for cars will never happen
After being more aware of tsnius issues after the separate store hours discussion this bridge seems a little narrow for men & women to be passing each other in such close proximity. Perhaps there can be a signal on each end alternating between men only & women only changing every few minutes?
there will be shopping carts to take along the walkway so that it will be in an appropriate manner….
Now I understand what those funny squares sticking out every twenty or so feet are meant for…
I was thinking alternate days?
You’re assuming everyone is Jewish who will be using that bridge.
How will rescue teams access other side in event of an emergency
How will ducks pass to the other side? (In the event of an emergency)
You do realize ducks can fly right?
i’m happy for anyone living there. Their 1 hour commute to yeshiva is now a mere 5 minute walk!!
A bridge this grand must be given a suitable name.
Suggestions, anyone?
The bridge will be called “The Great Askan Bridge” This is only phase one. Askanim are already working on phase 2 “Askan Heights” which will fill in the lake by the bridge to build highrise apartments. The alternating squares will be the entrance ways to the new buildings. The residents will be able to park on the surrounding streets or pay to have a personal parking space built on top of the lake.
These buildings will bring Bracha V’Hatzlacha with all the extra Torah learning they’ll bring to Lakewood.
I spoke to a local Askan about this situation. He informed me that the bridge will only be open to the general public for an hour each day. Otherwise, access will be limited to certified askanim, who need to be able to move about freely for askanus related issues.
How’s about: Bridge
The Bridge.
Which one is it? “Bridge” or “The Bridge”?
The whole world is a narrow bridge. But the main thing is not to fear…
Bridge Across The River Carasaljo
“Gesher tzar meod”
Nice! Or Carasaljo-Narrows
Go, Chana O! Nice name for the bridge!
Bridge over troubled waters
So excited was waiting for this 30 years
This is totally waste of tax money instead of fixing Lakewood crisis!!!! Route 9 must be widen immediately!!! 4 lanes !!!! We need upgrade more police officer and get parking authority to fix problem in town and end speeding and other issue in town !!! Lakewood must improve traffic in town. The schedule in town traffic is insane!!! This idea in lake is totally wasted taxpayer money!!! I am very disappointed in township management!!! We need solve crisis in parking and other traffic issues immediately not stupidity idea in the lake!!!
Once the bridge-dock is up and running, I believe it will solve all the problems you mentioned and probably more.
Probably because this bridge of floating milk cartons costs less than the traffic cones to even begin your project on the 9.
Ive been waiting for this bridge for 45 years, how I wish they had this when I was in Lakewood. Enjoy! Cant tell you how many times i just didnt go to the other side of the lake since it was too long of trip…
They should call it the Red Sea bridge, a remembrance of the splitting of the Red Sea.
I hope fishing will be allowed
The tolls will be just on one end, or on both ends?
It’s only right for Menashe & Meir to share the revenues.
(moderated) does nothing at all, so he doesn’t share in it.
widen the 9 has nothing to do with this bridge, that is a state issue and they aren’t going to do anything about it
The bridge is a township thing and its very nice!!!
we could help traffic by having a cop allow all traffic to go at James/9 and Central/9 for 10 minutes at 9:25
clear out all the cars
the basic cause of traffic is cars starting and stopping again, if we cut out that we can help the situation
I know the side streets won’t be too happy, but if someone is having a heart attack they focus on the main artery first!!
why not just try it? its the only free option!!!
I hereby dub the bridge “Bridgey McBridge Face”
I suggested this waking bridge by letter to the Township some 20+ years.
They said there are EPA concerns and it can’t be done.
it doesnt look safe for kids to me
Suggestion: for the over 100,000 kids in the Lakewood area build a children’s RAILROAD to cross the new bridge ( if the bridge is wide enough) similar to the children’s railroads in theme parks ; mayor Coles is big into model railroading and so am I .
In 1960 in the lower east side a nice widow gave my holocaust survivor parents a 1930’s Lionel “0” gauge train set for my older brothers, years later I used to put it together every day and run it, ( my oldest brother now has it) now I have a very nice collection of vintage trains of which whenever I put some together for my grandchildren my older grand children don’t look at it and my younger ones always kick it apart and wreck it. And my wife doesn’t like when I play with it. So I have them in buckets stored in a cool place , hopefully my great grandchildren will appreciate them one day. But I would enjoy looking at a children’s railroad across the bridge.
Love the railroad idea!
The Tashlich Bridge, the PG Waxman Bridge, The Isaac Akerman Bridge, the Zeev Rothchild Bridge, The Meir Lichteinstein Bridge, The Rabbi Schenkelefsky Bridge, The Bob Grant Bridge, The Kletzk Hill Bridge, The Adiray Hatora Bridge, The Rich Roberts Bridge
A positive note, if you live on the south side of the lake it will be easier on Shabbos to walk to kidshes and to learn in BMG. When I was a kid it was difficult to walk to classmates bar mitzvah on shabus. This bridge will help the future generation in this issue. Thanks
The white color is a very poor choice for the scenic look of downtown Lakewood.
Additionally, the tracks save people a nice amount of walking time for simchos on shabbos but they are in terrible disrepair, if anyone reading this has pull for that….
The Bridge To Holiness
It literally smells like duck poop