Driver Issued Summons For Picking Up Hitchhiker On County Line Rd

A driver was issued a summons this morning for allegedly holding up traffic to pick up a hitchhiker, TLS has learned. Sources say the woman, who had two other passengers, was driving on County Line Road at approximately 12:30 AM, when she stopped to pick up a hitchhiker.

The woman was stopped by police, who reportedly issued her a summons for inappropriately picking up a passenger in the roadway, and causing a traffic hazard.

As for the hitchhiker, the statue (title :39) provides that they have to be in the roadway in order to be in violation of the law. Standing on the sidewalk or on the curb is permitted.

It’s unknown if the hitchhiker in this incident was ticketed. TLS-89/TLS-PK.

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  1. It is about time this law is enforced. If it makes other drivers think twice and saves even one life, it will be worth it


    On a similar note to all drivers, just a friendly reminder…

    It is illegal to drive on the shoulder for any reason. That means if the car in front of you is waiting to turn left, you CANNOT drive around him on the shoulder. If caught, you will get a ticket and four points on your license. The shoulder is for pedestrians, cyclists, disables vehicles and emergency vehicles.

    In the eye of the law, driving on the shoulder, is no different than driving on the sidewalk. I don’t care how long you have to wait for the car in front of you to turn left, DO NOT DRIVE ON THE SHOULDER!!

  2. thank you lpd . the hitchhiking in this town is out of control. drive down central ave at 8pm. there are 100 people hitching.. it is dangerous and illeagle

  3. Attention # 1 “YES!”

    B’Nifol Oivecha Al Tismach, U’Bhekoshel Al Yogel Leebecha.

    PS. If a car in front of you breaks down- you may bypass on shoulder if need be, and even on sidewalk or front yard or whatever.

  4. I know some will say it is a big mitzvah to give rides, but the situation is ridiculous. I stopped moving on Rt 9 on the south side of town with my left blinker to make a left turn into my development. I was NOT in the shoulder, but a boy came to my car and opened the door thinking that I stopped to give him a ride!!!! After I turned I pulled over and got out of my car to tell the kid off and he just looked at me like I was nuts!!
    Common sense is not that common…..

  5. You are correct that it’s illegal to drive in the shoulder. I actually got a ticket on route 9 in Manalapan for going around a car in the shoulder.

    On that note, when driving down Route 9 (River Ave) in Lakewood, everyone does it, and if you stop behind a car that is turning (as opposed to going around) people start honking at you to get you to move. The entire Route 9 would be backed up much more if people didn’t do it.

    I was recently driving behind a Lakewood Cop and saw him go around a car on the shoulder. I called the LPD and reported it to the department that deals with disciplining cops and gave the Officers car #.
    I WAS SHOCKED AND SURPRISED when the officer I reported it to said: Oh that’s ok, everyone passes on the shoulder on Route 9!!!!!!
    I told him that it’s illegal, and if I can get a ticket for doing it, cops shouldn’t do it when not responding to an emergency.

    I won’t even get into the fact that I always see cops chatting on their phones while driving, tailgating, not stopping fully by stop signs, etc. After all, they don’t have to worry about getting a ticket, so why follow the laws that they themselves are in charge of ‘policing’!!!!!!

  6. It’s always the same people who keep saying the same thing. Its clear to most of us -who like to do a chesed and give s/o a ride that those who are so quick to jump on those that give rides or those that have to hitch a ride is that they hate chesed and hate everything that us yidden stand for. Granted there are situations that could be dangerous to stop but many times people don’t care to stop. On average I must give 3 or 4 rides a week. I gave a yeshiva bochur a ride this week from the Exxon on the 9 all the way to his yeshiva all the way down 7th. It was a mile out my way but guess what he was going for night seder and I felt good getting him there on time. Point is don’t be so quick to belittle those that need/give rides.

  7. good! please stop banging on my windows on madison ave in middle of 4 lanes of traffic asking for a ride! if you woke up late and missed your bus then learn at home or have your mother drive you.

  8. I agree with you # 1, I ride my bicycle on the shoulder and i cannot count how many times cars have nearly hit me driving up behind me on the shoulder. once I had to swerve into the bushes and scratched up my entire back. another time, they car saw me, started honking his horn and waiving his hands at me, as if I was the one doing something wrong. he swerved around me, nearly running me off the road and screamed out his window “get on the sidewalk where you belong”.. guess what buddy, bicycles do not belong on the sidewalk, they are to ride on the road, YOU do not belong on the shoulder

  9. You guys just don’t like the people that can use a hitch. Well, I do, and I will continue do pick them up regardless of what these mean cops decide to enforce. And by the way, never take any coins out to give charity because you might choke on them….

  10. Amazing that the local police told you breaking the law is okay in their town because “everyone does it”.. will that be the drivers offense when he runs over a mother and her child on the shoulder because “everyone does it”. The LPD needs a real shake up, if this is the kind of attitude they have. If traffic will back up, too bad. The township should have thought of that before approving all of those developments on route 9, with zero planning regards to extra vehicular traffic.

    I for one wait behind the left turning car, and once he turns, i continue on my way.

    ######## Funny story #########.. I was once on central, waiting behind a left turning car, when the car behind me entered the shoulder. Just as he was next to me on the right, the car in front of me turned, so I started going.. now this car was stuck on the shoulder and next thing he knew, he ran out of space on the shoulder due to a giant mound of snow and got stuck! and no, i was not racing to prevent him from going back onto the road, I was simply doing my normal driving, and a car driving on the shoulder got stuck in a big snow mound, how sad and funny at the same time!!

  11. Want to stop and pick up a hitch, then do it legally. Don’t stop on the roadway, pull all the way over onto the shoulder and pick up the ride. to all those who do hitch, do yourself and everyone else a favor, either stand in a well lit area, away from the road and wear something reflective on your clothing (I dont work for them, but I do own some of their products – look into a company called shemira wear). It is very difficult to see someone wearing dark pants, jacket/coat and hat in a poorly lit area. Another word to those looking for a ride, as much as you are in a rush, drivers might also be. We are happy to take you to a point along the way, but we can not always take you to a point off the main road. There is an old truism to keep in mind. Poor planning on your part, does not make an emergency on mine. Late for seder, davening a simcha, the hairdresser or doctors appointment, leave earlier. .

  12. The hitch hiking in this town is rediculous and dangerous!!!’ I can’t count how many times I was behind a car that stopped short to pick up a hitch hiker. I had to slam on my breaks and I was shaken up each time! Common sense people!!! You aren’t doing a mitzvah by possibly causing a terrible car accident! I’m glad this law is bring enforced so maybe people will finally learn from their mistakes.

  13. Another issue is stop signs!! When I’m driving down a road and clearly have the right of way why does everyone think it’s normal to just turn infront of me leaving hardly any distance between my car and theirs? You wont get to your destination any quicker than god has planned for you. Almost every day this happens to me and I short stop.

  14. Hitch hiking is ILLEGAL on Route 9, a State Highway regardless of whether your obstructing traffic or not. They are two seperate laws. O County Line road, she got a ticket for obstructing traffic, on Rt. 9 you’ll get a ticket for hitch hiking alone.

  15. The people who get angry at hitchhikers are just angry people who hate doing a good deed! A guy does a chessed for another, and that bothers you so? You pretend its a safety issue, please! If you almost hit a car who stopped to pick up a pedestrian YOU ARE AT FAULT! There is a reason why a rear end accident is always blamed on the back driver. If you hit the car in front of you just because he stopped its because YOU WERE TOO CLOSE BEHIND HIM! YOU ARE THE ONE WHO IS DRIVING UNSAFELY! On a side note its amazing that people picking up a pedestrian are the ones given tickets. As if there is noone else to give tickets to!

  16. Hitchhiking is dangerous, and should be avoided. Parents need to counsel their children that there are some terrible people out there that canl hurt them. It is impossible to distinguish a good person from an evil person.

  17. Number 1 do you have that little shoulder speech copied somwhere so you can paste it whenever any driving post comes up. we get it no shoulders. in regards to picking up hitch hickers my philosaphy is that any thing you would want someone to do for you, you should do for others. we all know that there have been those times in the freezing cold or the pouring rain that an empty car going next door to where you need to go just drove right by you. not only that but the guy gave you that look as he drove by you. the look that says “i really feel bad for you but im not stopping to pick you up” look. then he tries to do the i didnt really see you look which you know is just lame. you watch him rip down that street and you just whish you had an egg to bomb at the back of his car. so know that i b’h could afford a vehical i try to give people rides whenever i can bec i just dont have the heart to drive right by them.

    true story: friend of mine is holding out his thumb on county line and forest. a cop pulls up next to him and asks him in a mean rough tone “where you tryin to go?” my friend replies “conventry”, for he has a sister that lives there. the officer shouts back at him “i can give you ride to jail, you know its illegal to hitch” for which my friend replied “is it on the way to conventry!!”

    just a side point i think giving people rides and doing chesed with your car adds life and stability to your car. its a igulah of some sorts. drive saftly everybody and remember STAY OFF THE SHOULDERS!!

  18. To all those yelling Chessed Chessed Chessed it’s true it’s a Chessed to give someone a ride but there’s a time and place for everything!!!! If you are driving down a road where u can’t pull over it is no mitzvah to stop short in middle of the road even to pick someone up, yes to do a mitzvah.

  19. Until we hear from an adom gadol that its a dangerous thing to stop in the middle of the road to give a ride to someone then this sickness will continue. Its common sence that mitzva habba beaveira is not a mitzva but is indeed an aveira. Its called lifnei eever lo seetain michshol. When u stop short to give someone a ride or if your rear is sticking out of the shoulder then all your frumma kavvana is worthless. Think before you give a ride if there is a remote possibilty that you may cause an accident. Don’t be a chusid shoyta

  20. Giving a ride to pedestrian is a CHESED. I always stop and provide rides , I stop on the shoulders never inm the middle of the road, that’s the way to do it. Its the biggest mitsvah special in the winter or when it rains. If its a yeshiva guy going to learn that your providing a ride then you have a chailuk in his learning and you also will get a schar

  21. This Happened At 12:30 Midnight ! Lakewood Is Not A Safe Place To Be In After Midnight.This Lady Was Helping Some One From Becoming A Victim Of A Crime.Call Me I Will Pay Your Ticket.

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