Driver Issued Summons for Dropping off Hitchhikers

hitchhiking_ticket tlsAttention drivers and hitchhikers: If you plan on giving or getting a hitch, make sure you do so in a safe and legal manner.

A driver was issued a summons today for allegedly dropping off passengers on Cedarbridge Avenue, and holding up traffic in the process.

Should you wish to give a hitchhiker a ride, it can and should be done in a legal manner.

The statue (title :39) provides that they have to be in the roadway in order to be in violation of the law. Standing on the sidewalk or on the curb is permitted.

According to the above law, the proper way to pick up a hitchhiker – should you deem safe to do so, is by pulling off the roadway and into a safe spot, where the hitchhiker should be waiting in the first place.

The above is especially important for the evening hours, when many drivers have reported to TLS that they were unable to see the pedestrians standing over or leaning over the yellow line.

Standing in the roadway is a danger for both hitchhikers and motorists.


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  1. Mazel tov. This is something that should be enforced to the extreme. I was put into many dangerous situations because the person in front of me stopped suddenly to drop off a hitch hicker!

  2. In the US state New Jersey (or as the locals call it, Jersey) it is illegal to hitchhike. This is provided by 39:4-5, which states: “Begging rides prohibited. No person shall stand in a highway for the purpose of or while soliciting a ride from the operator of any vehicle other than an omnibus or a street car.”

  3. I am just wondering where are all these kind hearted people giving rides – at least when I needed them just that one time. I very very often give rides to people all over and very often I go the extra mile (literally).
    Yet one cold night I had jumped out my van just in a shirt to drop off money at an address when my van locked on me. It was late in the evening but plenty cars out and about and with my wife not picking up the phones I started to walk home (over a mile)in my shirt in the hope someone would stop ….but no one did, despite my trying to flag down someone. That’s my great experience with all these so called ride givers in this town. I haven’t stopped much to give rides since this happened to me.

  4. Cool Masmid: I understand your frustration and your subsequent action not to give any more rides. But I would think that coming from an adult perspective (which I assume, being that u stated you have a wife) you would learn from our sages who teach us “don’t do to others what you wouldn’t want done to you.” Well, you certainly didn’t like it when the passing cars ignored you, so why oh why would you continue that trend. Let’s try to be Dan Lekaf Zechus the people that did not stop. I know that living in a small community growing up and waiting each morning for a ride to school in all kinds of weather, I promised myself that when I have a car of my own I will happily pick up hitchhikers and bring then to their destination, often out of my way in spite of my long wait for a ride each day! And bh, I really keep to this. I stop responsibly and the bochurim are always so thankful. My husband doesn’t get to learn much but what a great feeling to know their learning is my zechus! (I actually share my experience with the passenger sometimes..)

  5. @anon ive got that feeling that your one of those that never pick up hitchers and always seem to find a way to blame it on safety. if theres a will theres a way!

  6. Cool Masmid: Next time call Chaveirim.
    And for the umpteenth time it’s CEDAR BRIDGE not Cedarbridge. It’s also West Gate not Westgate. Two words not one.

  7. @masmid – I feel ur pain. Ur feeling are normal and justified. Urs is a totally acceptable and common reaction. Don’t listen to the naysayers who don’t know the level of ur Tzidkes!! I’m just insulted u didn’t call me !!

  8. I only stop for people wearing REFLECTOR BELTS in the dark. and standing where its safe to pick them up. . Both young and old think they are visible in the dark.

    PLEAE make sure u are wearing REFLECTORS or light coulerd clothing in the dark . WE DRIVEWRS CANT SEE U

  9. In order order for them to get a ride from me they have to be standing in a safe place. I never understood how some expect a ride in middle of the rt 9.

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