DPW: Pothole Calls Way Down; We should be in Good Shape by End of Month

pothole killer lkwd 2-25-16The potholes around town are being filled at a rapid pace by the township’s DPW, and assisted by the pothole killer machine.

“Pothole calls are way down,” acting Director Tony Arrechi tells TLS.

Arrechi says the department will be continuing to make pothole repairs Saturday and Sunday, but may encounter issues with the weather this weekend. Otherwise, most potholes on township roads should be filled within weeks.

“If no further cold spells, we should be in good shape by March 31,” Arrechi says.


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  1. How about driving around town to see for yourself? People just probably just gave up. There are too many pot holes too call in. Personally, I can’t recall the many pot holes I bounce over on my drive around town. Even those filled are a bumpy mess. Apparently spraying some stuff into a hole doesn’t do the job. Most roads are still a roller coster.

  2. Whats up with 7th St.between Forest & Lakewood Ave? Probably one of the most driven on Lakewood owned streets, between the college and yeshiva. The place is one big patch after all the horrible work that the water company did. After multiple calls nothing gets done. It needs a complete repaving as you cant patch a patch. Its downright terrible.
    Starting to think the township has something against 7th St.
    #7thgate scandal

  3. @7th st:
    You are 100% right. As a resident, I am unable to drive on my own street. My car has sustained damage from repeatedly driving over all the potholes.
    The water company actually was planning on repaving when they finished their work, however the township took the money from the water company instead claiming they wished to do the repaving job. That was at the end of the summer and no word from the township on when it will be done. We need some accountability here.

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