VIDEO (Reader submitted) of the Public Works department setting hundreds of flowers in Town Square yesterday. These flowers are being placed there for all Lakewoods citizens to enjoy while they attend special events at Town Square.
DPW Place Flowers To Enhance Town Square
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tax dollars hard at work!
Too little, too late.
we plant flowers every year around township properties……let it go.
why dont we give the job to the muster zone area, we could privatize this section of public works. Or is this the botany division?? What a waste of money.
its hard to please everybody especially those that no matter what you try are never happy.Thats for you #s 1 2 3 4
Chill out, “waste of money”. The town has alot of blighted areas. There is nothing wrong with trying to make the town look presentable.
Is that more important than the EMS?
How much will now my tax go up to cover the flowers?
Or is that in reaction to complains about the yellow bins?
If they do have some extra money how about to plant some in front of my house for everyone who passes by to enjoy…
Please continue this project yearly.
For those who do not remember: In the 50’s,Clifton Ave. had an island in the middle of the street. It was covered with flowers.
I guess it would be nicer to look at garbage and toys like the mess we see in peoples yards as they drive down rt 9 thru this town.
Thank You LPWD for the work you do and thank you for my yellow recycle can. The yellow enhances my pink flowers I planted around it.
Why not have volunteers plant flowers from seeds, it would be cheaper.
oh! so thats why they keep raising my taxes. flowers great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just in time for Shavuos!
All we need now is the yeelow cans in town sq and it will look wonderfull
Stop it already about the yellow cans. I don’t find them offensive and I also like flowers. Everyone should plant flowers in their front yards, stores should put out planters with flowers in front of their stores. Their should be a town ordinance that everyone must enhance their properties with flowers. Wouldn’t it be lovely?!
is that a school bus parcked on clifton ave? is that legal? it should be ticketed and towed
Flowers are so lovely to read about. Please keep posting these type of articles instead of those contentious political stuff about Hershel, Bob, and martians.