Complaining about the yellow color of the new recycling bins has been the way of many over the last few weeks. It’s a ‘problem’ which people have been ‘struggling’ with and have been trying to figure out since its first introduction, here on TLS. We posed the question to DPW John Franklin this morning. “We wanted something definitely different, so that people don’t confuse them and put trash bags inside, defeating the purpose” he answered. “People don’t like change-It’s hard to make everyone happy” he added. Approximately 60 percent of residents have already taken delivery of the new recycling bins. All are expected to have them within the next three weeks.
DPW Director John Franklin: Yellow Bins Were Meant To Stand Out

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what wase rong with blue
The ppl would hAve confused blue with green?! How insulting, even my two year old doesn’t need bright eyesore yellow to not get confused! They have ruined our town, UGH!
I am wondering if we can get Sprite or 7UP to sponsor these cans. The yellow and green cans outside everyones home reminds me of a Lemon Lime soda!
The yellow bins stand out at night when most people put out the trash. They are much more visible and are safer in night traffic. Wish the other bins would have stick-on reflectors. They are hazardous to drivers.
Way to go John! We’re with you.
John Franklin for mayor!
4 even jhon didn’t think of that! It’s so unsafe that a blue garbage can will come and attack you in a dark alley…
I cant believe how a beautiful rural town could be so quickly ruined. Just wondering how many people feel the same way?
Is this an important issue? Who cares? Just LOWER OUR TAXES AND THEN I”LL TAKE EVEN A PURPLE CAN
Yeh! What is wrong with blue or brown?? They would match the landscaping and we definitely wouldnt mix it up with the green garbage cans.
have not yet come across one person who is at all pleased with these cans
I like it and it will be nice to not have bottles blowing all over on recycling day. The cans are the color of pollen they match the land scape for at least 2 weeks not bad!
Talking about cuts, making our great EMS take a 30% pay cut and then buy the recyclling bins what a great trade.
I think they should start to issue summons for yellow bins as this is ugly and should be considered as graffity
I don’t know why people are dwelling so much on the color of the cans. There are more important things to worry about, like why are taxes are sky high. When I bought my house, 30 years ago, I paid about an eighth of the taxes I pay today and there was less traffic, downtown was less garish etc. Now when there is a housing boom and all those new houses are adding to the tax revenue, why are our taxes sky high? Are we subsidizing public school education for all those new immigrants to Lakewood?
Maybe have the graffity artist decorate them.oops I forgot then we will get a ticket
i painted mine—green black and brown and it blends in with the trees
the yellow will blend in nicely in the fall
Deal with it;
If you have nice landscaping with different color trees and shrubs, just place this can in the middle and it will enhance the overall appearance.
How much would you pay for a exotic true yellow spruce?.
To #7 – “I cant believe how a beautiful rural town could be so quickly ruined. Just wondering how many people feel the same way?”
I feel that way also, that the town got ruined so quickly. However, I don’t mean the yellow bins – I mean all the high density building that has gone on in this RURAL TOWN.
No one is complaining about single stream recycling. Most people if asked would prefer blue or brown to yellow. It’s not that hard to make
most people happy. Choosing yellow was a bad decision.
Old Timer 100%
People settle down now settle down its just a garbage can! If it really bothers you put it in your garage and just take it out for pick up. I can’t believe people aren’t embarrased to complain about such a juvenile thing! It sounds like 4 year olds complaining about crayoln colors!!!
Great idea ! But I think ALL dwp workers should start wearing bright yeloow pants as well like this we should all know who they are and we shouldn’t think twice why there on our blocks and
I know its a change but as john says ”
Pep don’t like change its hard to get use to it”
But after a few weeks I think the dpw workers will be just fine in them
Do you tell your wife to grow up when she’s talking about what color to paint a room? How “bout when she’s deciding what type of flowers to plant on the front lawn?
I think we should all have to haul our own garbage to the town dump! Would any of you like that better?
I’m sorry. I thought I was allowed to express my opinion.
Paint it with grafiti
I have a revlolutionary idea for the the Lakewood Township. Advertise on the yellow cans! Anyone can advertise, you pay per can. So say TLS wanted to advertise they would pay for say 1000 bins, ten bucks a bin….thats a quick ten thousand bucks!
Hey, thanks to myron, coventry square residents get to keep the small blue cans!!
Are all of the other townhouse developments given the same exemption?
the colour of these bins destroyed the town. It’s absolutely so ugly everywhere you see yellow I believe they must change it immediately
Funny. Yellow trash cans “ruin” the town, but sidewalk chalk and a dosen cozy coupes in every yard adds to the aesthetic?!
I like the yellow trash cans. My neighbors will get use to them they blend in with the dandelions and Little Tykes toys.
#26—great idea
To grow up #21 I agree with you thats its childish and don’t understand why they issue tickets for graffity? Who cares what color siding I have let the township grow up!
I’m just waiting the inspector should issue tickets for everyone who puts outside a yellow bin its so discusuting
I don’t care what color they are, they hold more and are practical.
I thought “why yellow?” when they came out. I understood quite clearly a few nights later when I was out driving. My neighborhood is quite dark and when the cans are out at the curb waiting for pickup they are impossible to see. Having broken two side mirrors due to cans that were put too far out into the street, I am quite happy the new cans are yellow. I am sure I am not the only one that had this. And really, there is no reason to keep them out for all to see. They can be put behind a fence enlosure on the side of a house when they are not at the curb.
I love my yellow can, its so nice and big just like its older brother Greeny. But then again, I’m color blind, Green and yellow happy together- LOL must be a slow day at the water cooler?
All together now!
Red and orange green and blue, Shiny Yellow, purple, too. All the colors that we know, show up in the rainbow.
A tisket a tasket a Green and Yellow basket.
Three cheers for Yellow!!!
Why is coventry square not getting any of those yellow cans?
Any other developments not getting them?
whats th big deal yellow blue red who cares.
Where’s the freedom of speach here? You only leave the comments that you think are good for some sectors of Lakewood and not for the all town.Nice way to go Lakewood Scoop.