Dozens Of Lakewood Residents Join Slichos With Yehuda Green

[VIDEOS BELOW] Hundreds this morning enjoyed a one of a kind Slichos, together with renowned singer and composer Yehuda Green. The packed crowd – including many from Lakewood – beseeched Hashem in a unique way at the West Side Institutional Synagoge in Manhattan, as Yehuda Green led the Slichos, accompanied by Lakewood Guitarist Hudi Greenberger and other musicians.

Slichos began at about 1:00 AM and lasted until about 4:15 AM.






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  1. to each his own…but that reminds me what elul is about kumu yeshainim me shainaschem….didnt see anybody sleeping there?
    each person has to do what inspires them to serve hashem
    god bless us all klall yisroel with shalom

  2. In a time when unfortunately many people are feeling down about their Yiddishkeit, something like this can be so uplifting. True it does not seem to be what most of us are used to, but there are many ways to serve Hashem and one of the most important is through Simcha and not C’V through sadness. Many Gedolim have been teaching of late, the importance of making our Yiddishkeit more beautiful and meaningful to us and to our children, and this seems to be a very effective method, without compromising any standards that we hold dear.

  3. This was realy nice why can’t they have that in lakewood and then mabbe there wouldn’t be so meany kids off the derech they will see how geshmak it could be to be shomer Torah limitzvos and I hope this video changed evry person that saw it it is unbeleiveaball thank you yehuda touch don a great job keep up the great work

  4. why denegrate those that get uplifted thru song and dance
    “diffrent folks diffrent strokes”
    their are many different ways to serve hashem each person has a netia to daven a certain nusach and we shouldnt belittle others nusach or minhugim as long as it doesnt contradict torah or halacha we should live and let live

  5. It was the first time i was ever there and all i can say is WOW. What an amazing experience. It was so uplifting and moving Shema Koleinu took on a whole new deep meaning.

  6. You don’t make yiddishkeit dance to your music, you dance to ITS music. If you cant get “inspired” doing things the way they should be done well, that’s just too bad. There is nothing wrong with a nice kumzitz/concert but don’t mix slichos with it. YIDDISHKEIT ISN’T ADJUSTABLE!!!!

  7. @Me: Do you think the Avodah in the Beis Hamikdosh was performed in the typical Litvisha depressing tone that you are accustomed to in the Yeshivos? Guess what, the Leviyim sang Shira, with musical instruments and a choir… They didn’t “kvetch”, or “shukel” or “chant”… I’m not saying that this is for everyone but I must say this seems to me to be closer to the original Tefilah than the “fakvetchta Davening” that we are so accustomed to.

  8. Selichos is asking forgiveness. Is this the way one asks for
    forgiveness? #22 I don’t know if you know but Shiras Haleviim
    brought people to Teshuva. It wasn’t in anyway an ordinary
    Carlbach event.

  9. to 23: How do you know that this didn’t bring people to T’shuva? I can assure you that the 25 minute rambling Slichos I went to had little impact on anyone. By the way… we did say last night L’sshmoah el HARINAH v’el Hat’filah… case closed…

  10. I wanna publicly thank TLS for this. I saw the clips last year & decided this is gevaldig. Any way, I went this year. It was unreal. It was tremendously uplifting for me. U can’t imagine what a nigun like Shifchi or Hashiveinu, when sung w/ 800 ppl, does for u. Thanx Hudi, u were fantastic ! So was the sound, btw.

  11. Oops ! I almost forgot. Chaim W, manning the sound system did an amazing job, as well. The whole thing really, really, was super. Thanx, everyone. Dudi B.

  12. Chevra – anyone who has any doubt about the authenticity or sensarity of the people there, here’s what you should do for next year: The Shul where this tis held has a minyan that starts at 11pm and ends at 12 (with a beautiful chazzan btw…). Daven with them your ‘regular’ slichos (btw – do u have any idea of more than 10% of the perush hamilos of slichos? I didnt think so… and dont tell me you use an english slichos, because its absolutely impossible to keep up with the minyan if you do.) and then join us after to see for yourself. I garauntee you will be back the next year. Hopefully in Yerushalayim!!
    I know this would never fly in Lakewood, and I know it probably still won’t change some peoples minds, but the fact is is that people get inspired to no end from music. It is a tool like no other in this world to bring a person close to whatever needs inspiration.
    And thank you chevra for all the kind words 🙂

  13. And to clarify how things work:
    Everyone says each slichos like a standard minyan. Only the last line of each slicha that is read outloud by the Chazzan is sung (or anything else that is read by the Chazzan outloud).
    Paragraphs like Kel Melech and Hashem, Hashem are not sung at all. But the power of a room packed with 500 ppl (at least) all together, all inspired… is just… wow. no words…

  14. Why can’t they have it in Lakewood half of Lakewood would be there Im telling you it would be the biggest minyan in town could someone please arrange it for next year you would have at leat a thousand People there please

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