Dovid Gabay’s New Album Hits Stores Today

gabay paris bar mitzvahDovid Gabay’s highly anticipated new album, hits stores today. The Album, titled Eretz Yisroel, features eleven tracks, and includes the hit song Bein Ha’ulam from last winter’s Kumzing CD/DVD, re-recorded with full orchestral arrangements. Songs were composed by some of the biggest names in the Jewish music industry, including Yossi Green, Baruch Levine Yitzy Waldner, Elimelech Blumstein, Eli Laufer, Noach Palai, Pinny Ostreicher, Elie Schwab and Moishe Wertzberger.

This is Gabay’s third album released, after Le’gabay and Omar Dovid.

Click below for a free single from his new album.

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  1. I can’t hardly wait to get my hands on this new album. In my opinion, Dovid is the Best vocal artist today in Jewish Music in his genre & I’m sure this album won’t disappoint. Hatzlachah Rabbah, Dovid !!

  2. Dovid,

    I just want to wish you Mazal Tov on the release of your latest album. We all know how hard you worked and how much you have sacrificed. The material is second to none and the Jewish people all over the world will benefit and be inspired from your wonderful music!!!

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