Don’t pull Trash Bins with your Vehicle

pulling-can-with-bikeIn past years police have pulled over numerous drivers for pulling trash bins from the rear of their vehicles, while children held the bins from the trunk. It’s both dangerous and illegal.

Drivers are urged to either place the trash bags in their vehicle, or walk the bins to the nearest drop-off site.


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  1. with all due respect to our elected township committee men
    what really should be done is for the township to at least “once a year” do a double pick up at each persons house especially when yomtov falls out at the end of the week and theirs a full weeks worth of garbage even before we get to yomtov cleaning and cooking boxes etc
    instead of making people shlep their garbage all over town and then give them tickets for attaching their bins to the back of their cars
    dont we pay enough taxes already to at least merit an xtra pick up once a year ???
    if new york city is able to accomodate its religious jews why cant LKWD???
    i really think this is in the hands of our officials theirs no one they can shift this responsibility to they are the ones in charge
    for this year its too late gut in the future the residents should call the township and its commitee men around chanuka time to suggest and expect this be put in place for next erev pesach (next year erev pesach falls out on a monday) but if we can arrange this for all future years it would be a benefit to all the township residents and the police wont have any reason to complain about dangerous issues about bins attached to people cars

  2. yeah!
    dont go making me figure out how to shlep multibple garbage cans 2 miles and then give me a ticket when I come up with a clever way to do it.

    PS in the history of Lakewood, has one person ever been injured this way?
    NO! so chill out!

  3. Ari not too long ago I remember the township going around… But that was when there were maybe 2 drop off sites and Lakewood was alot smaller…

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