With just three weeks to go until the J-Biz Expo and Business Conference, it has been announced that Jason Dov Greenblatt, Executive Vice President and Chief Legal Officer at The Trump Organization, will be hosting a Featured Q & A session at the June 1st event.
Mr. Greenblatt, an Orthodox father of six who resides in Teaneck, has been a top legal advisor for the Republican presidential candidate for decades. The two enjoy a close personal relationship, and Mr. Greenblatt has emerged Mr. Trump’s point man on Israel and Jewish community issues in recent months. “I do rely on him as a consultant,” Mr. Trump told a group of Jewish reporters last month.
Attendees at J-Biz Expo and Business Conference will be able to ask Mr. Greenblatt unscreened questions during what promises to be a particularly intriguing forum, as well as speak interact with him individually during the conference and subsequently when he’ll be pacing the expo floor. This special Q & A session will be held during the morning hours, prior to the keynote address by world renowned business personality Kivi Bernhard, also an Orthodox Jew.
“It is an honor to have Mr. Greenblatt assume such a significant role in the business conference,” says Duvi Honig, founder and director of J-Biz. “J-Biz unites the Jewish community and its business sphere from around the world, and we cannot overestimate how much a leading advisor to the man who may be our next president brings to the table.”
For more information or to register to attend, please visit www.jbizexpo.com.
[TLS-Press Release]
Not impressed why would they want to have someone associated with Donald trump be there.
Does he represent Jewish values ! ?
yes, in fact he has an orthodox daughter & family. may be the best for enzara.
Jacob k
With all due respect, Lakewood resident is 1000% correct:
Trump does NOT represent our values.
He is, IMHO, narcissistic, egoistic, and amoral.
Therefore, the answer to Lakewood Residents question, in my opinion, is a definite NO.
Trump DOES NOT represent Jewish values. To the contrary, he inspires racists and bigots. (Certainly not a Jewish value)
What does his geyores daughter have to do with anything????????
Jacob, please stay on topic:
The question was: “Does he represent Jewish Values ! ?”
Does a politician represent Jewish values merely because he has a Jewish daughter?
Or should we look at his message and his whole demeanor and agenda?
Think of any Jewish value and ask yourself the question.
Does Trump have that value?
Please be honest with yourself!
Hey, its still cool.
Besides, its not Trump himself, but looks like a frum guy and if he can help answer business questions then kol hakavod what do you care?
Why does everything have to be turned negative?
Nobody is telling you to vote for Trump. They’re just bringing you a service. Take it or leave it and move on.
Does Sanders represent Jewish values? He is the only Jew in the race.
Go Trump!!
Hillary or Sanders does over Trump ? vote Trump he’s tbe better of those 2 evils
Yehuda, please be honest with yourself. Does Clinton represent Jewish values? Does Obama represent Jewish values? Does Cruz represent Jewish values? Do you know any politician that represents Jewish values? As with most things in life, you choose based on the options you are given and in my humble opinion, Trump is the best choice we have and having a frum senior member of his staff present is a very proper thing to do.
Find me a politician who isn’t “narcissistic, egotistical and amoral”. Politics is an amoral sport. You really think someone like Ted Cruz or Ronald Reagan or George Bush or any of these other guys live or lived a life that complies/d on any level with any of the things that you as an Orthodox Jew value?
Trump is a pragmatist as all successful politicians are, and he apparently knows how to play the game that guys like Ted Cruz have been playing for years better then they do.
נתניהו doesn’t either represent Jewish values.
You aren’t voting to appoint a Rav in your Shul. Trump is running for President. The U.S., with the exception of a real estate bubble during Goerge W. Bush, has been in steady economic decline.
Real wages have been stagnant for over 15 years. If you think it doesn’t effect this community, you are very wrong. I remember 20 years ago, a family member with only a high school diploma, earning $50,000 with full benefits and a 401K. This wasn’t the exception, this was typical. This example was for an entry level job, but it is the same across the board.
40 years ago most households, only had a single earner, nowadays that is hard to find.
It would be nice to have a President that personally meets your moral standards, but it is more important to have a President whose policies will support those who have your moral standards. On this Trump is far better then Clinton or Sanders.
FYI I believe the word you meant to use was immoral, not amoral. The former meaning lacking morality, the latter meaning moral indifference.
To all commenters,
Other politicians aren’t R’ Yisroel Salanter, but virtually all of them have significantly more human decency and dignity, and moral compass, than Donald Trump. His childish public demeaning of a/o who gets in his way; his brazen public vulgarity; bragging about all his personal sins; his public scams (like Trump University); are in a league of their own – and he avoids any personal responsibility or contrition.
So please stop these silly “Everyone is the same” proclamations. If you wouldn’t be infatuated with his personality and novelty, you would see that too.
Vote for whom you want, and let Jbiz feature whom they want.
But don’t fool yourselves that Trump is a candiate that frum Jews should be excited about.
He is definitely more egotistical, immature, and immoral than any other candidate we’ve ever seen.
Actually I think the only one in the race who is actually what anyone would call a “decent” human being if they judged him by how he has been acting would be Bernie Sanders. Say what you want about the man’s policies, he sticks to the issues and has been saying the same exact things for the past 35 years. If you really think Cruz or Bush or Reagan live or lived a life that was all that much different then trumps (besides for being poorer then he is) You have been listening to way too much talk radio.
I’m not sure what you’re smoking. Cruz, Bush and Reagan are all far more dignified in their family and public lives than Trump is. There is absolutely zero parallel between them and what Trump has consistently done over the past decades.
And no, I don’t listen to talk radio, which parenthetically has been a major bastion of support for Trump.