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No I absolutely do not agree!!
I think Trump was good on some stuff but I think ultimately he betrayed us on many many stuff including border security falling to the rhinos like Mitch McConnell signing the criminal reform basically encouraging more people to be criminals cuz there’s no consequence nominating fauci to be the king bringing us the disaster vaccine and a whole lot of more bs. Yes Trump was better than any bush or than a Romney or a Chris Christie but no he’s nothing close to DeSantis or a Ted Cruz.
Hashem is the one and only answer to all our issues.
When we daven, we have to be convinced that only Hashem can help us.
You can’t seem to form a coherent thought…..Hashem wants us to think!
YES, YES, and h**l YES!
4 indicments, 91 counts.
If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, its a duck.
You want to indict a duck? You sound like a quack.
@Joe, so if your enemy were out to get you and indict you (G-d Forbid), you would agree you must be a criminal and decide you belong in jail, but otherwise you are a good person?
“Show me them man I and I’ll find you the crime!” Lavrentiy Beria (Joseph Stalin’s NKVD chief during great purge).
Joseph Biden’s justice department is looking more and more like soviet NKVD! If they can get Trump, they can get ANYONE they want!
TRUMP 2024!!!!
I do not understand how a frum person can support Trump given Torah values versus his words and behaviors. Someone please explain.
Because he was a true Jew lover, as some one who took out rebishken from jail,ect.
but bh we have a torah, he douse not, so he dose like any…..
But you can support Biden? How about Murphy? The Clintons’? You apparently have no clue what is going on in the world. Thus you should lock yourself up and never vote.
Did I say I support any of them? Please Shmendrick. I know plenty of what goes on in the world. And you did not answer the question.
Why do you feel the need to try and insult if someone disagrees with you?
You said Trump doesn’t represent torah values. My point is, he’s no worse than any of the democrats askanim are so busy supporting. If anything he’s much better than the rest. Reb Avigdor Miller ZATZAL said to stay away from Clinton. The askanim love the Clintons. That’s the problem with so called askanim.
You told me I’m not smart enough to vote and should not be allowed to. Just the fact that you have to insult to prove a point shows your point has no validity.
Absolutely. But not only because he was a good president but we must vote for him to show our present corrupt government, DOJ, FBI, and all the woke AG’s, that we want our democracy back. Any vote for a Democrat will doom this country
Show the corrupt media that we are not buying their false narratives
Save the USA
People are brainwashed, the guy (Trump, yes Trump) is an egotistic immature maniac. Period.
I voted for him, as I truly believed that he grew up since the 80’s 90’s, when he acted like the same baby, but he showed again and again that there is one thing he cares about and that is his ego. He has zero respect gratitude or recognition for what people do for him.
Which politician does? They talk a good game but do nothing. He at least is honest and ignores everyone but himself.
Shmendrick, he is far from honest and you know it. If, you can’t see that, maybe it’s you who shouldn’t vote. He doesn’t care about you, about me, about Jews or about this country. He has made hateful words and actions acceptable and he behaves like a toddler. He cares only for himself and wants to be king.
He’s extremely honest. His honesty shows. It shows that he only cares for himself. The rest claim to care about others, but wish we’d all drop dead. You proved my point.
He is anything but honest.
He’s been showing you again and again that he cares about nothing but his ego, has no true underlying philosophy nor does he have a coherent understanding and command of the issues, and that the only thing that matters to him is whether you like him. His modus operandi is cult like. Keep your allegiances with me only and make sure never to disagree, or else I’ll shame you publicly at every opportunity. Everyone else on the planet is stupid, only I can save you. The vast majority of the sane people in his previous administration have fled and want nothing to do with this campaign. Ever wondered why? Yes, I’d rather him than Biden’s destructive policies, but now is the time to realize that it doesn’t have to be either or.
The problem is that the dems don’t want to primary Biden. Republican primary voters want Trump. Thus, it’s an either or situation.
Trump was an excellent president in all respects and deserves to be reelected. Period. Of course, he was already reelected, but he deserves a third term as well. I’d vote for him on his deathbed over Biden, or anyone else for that matter. Tragically, some religious Jews feel obligated to join the insane Liberal clamor against this innocent man who has done and sacrificed so much for this once great republic. It’s outrageous and sickening.
He has sacrficed nothing and anyone who helps him eventually finds themselves facing legal charges while he walks away saying he didn’t even know them.
They aren’t facing legal issues because of crimes. They are facing legal issues due to a corrupt justice department and FBI.
Wrong. Have a nice day.
You believe in your godless god the democrat party. I actually researched the legalities, and the only case that has any teeth is the document case. The rest are all political in nature. Proof that I’m right, Dershowitz a legal scholar and devout democrat, agrees with me. Not only is he a Democrat, but he said he would vote for Biden again over Trump. Because he disagrees with Trump on policy. He has said numerous times that these cases are purely political in nature. He’s also not on any of the defense teams and refused for now to get involved.
You have no idea who I support or what I believe. Your assumptions prove that. For starters, I am not a Democrat nor a fan of Biden. I don’t think you researched anything in any depth. All you have to offer is attempted insults.
It’s spelled caliphate not Kalifat.
The rest of it I will intentionally ignore.
I will likely vote against him in the primary and for him in the general.
That should be the consensus of all people with knowledge of the American political system.