‘Dirty Jews’ Spray Painted On Trailer In Industrial Park

PHOTO: A trailer in industrial park was spray painted with the words ‘Heeb’ and ‘Dirty Jews’, an area resident who discovered the trailer early this morning tells TLS. The trailer was parked near the Tomchei Shabbos warehouse, but the organization says the trailer does not belong to them, although they do own several other trailers parked near the one defaced. 

It’s unknown if police were called about the incident. TLS-RR.

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  1. Many people in Lakewood think that the Occupy Wall St protests that Obama and the Democrats are supporting have nothing to do with us in Lakewood.

    What you need to know is that the anarchy and “change” that these Occupy Wall St protesters crave will spread to our parts as well.

    So while you decide which candidate to vote for based on Tuition voiuchers, Pell Grants, Food Stamps, or some other petty priority, in the meantime this country is being destroyed by the class warfare Marxist in the white house who wants to take all the money from those who worked for it, and give it to those who didn’t.

    My advice:

    Passports (or guns if you choose to remain)

  2. I try to make a point with my children that we are lucky to live in a medinah shell chessed, were we don’t have to be scared to walk down the street, or scared that someone will kidnap a child and send him to the army. Hashem is sending us reminders not to be so carefree and confident in our ability to live freely. There are still many places in this word where Jews are not afforded this luxury. Belgian girls getting beat up in school, French Jews attacked in the street, Iranian Jews in virtual captivity in their homes. This chanukah, lets remind ourselves of our numerous brachos and daven for Moshiach.

  3. #1 i totally agree

    the latest message from HASHEM of todays situation with the economy is:
    Make aliya now to Israel & go with fortune, Wait & soon thousands will be going cause there will be no money left & the economy is better in Israel DON’T WAIT, GO NOW

  4. thats not the only spray painted item. on saturday i was out with my husband and we were coming home from costco we were on Massachusetts Ave and the school that’s near the Faiirways had the following Hitler’s Home, we called the police and they were aware of it, what is this town coming to. hope they catch who ever did this. to much hate in this world.

  5. Michael:

    I wasn’t referring to Israel. I was saying that EVERYONE should have passports, ready to be on the move whenever necessary.

    There will be chaos. Nobody will be spared. Everyone should be able to travel to safer areas on a moment’s notice.

  6. Bias crimes and words of hate are from small minded individuals that believe that others are the cause of their misery.

    Of all the nations of the world, this is the best, the most tolerant, the most accepting of religious freedom, and the most just nation in the world today.

    Law enforcement is currently pursuing the incident on Mass Ave as a Bias Crime. Let us hope that there investigation is successful, and the criminals are apprehended. We are a land of laws!

    By the way, the message scrawled on the trailer was “Hitler is Home”. The message is ambiguous, at best, and I do not know what it means. But Hitler and any other words are senseless dribble that will not be tolerated.

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