TLS PHOTO: In case you were wondering what that bright thing was near the moon today, or tonight, it’s not a star. It’s Venus. The planet was visible even during the day today, and was pretty easy to find, being that it was right near the moon.
If you were to go outside now, at approximately 10:30 PM, you’ll still be able to see it, although it has already moved further away from the moon.
Venus however is not the only object currently shining bright in the evening and nighttime sky. Tonight, Fox news reports, Venus will appear near the moon and Jupiter for the second night in a row in an event that astronomers call a conjunction. TLS
Ma rabu maasecha Hashem!!!
These days I would think that most people can identify more with and are more interested in Venus than more hock about the Board of Ed etc.! Thanks for running this interesting bit of astronomy. It’s good to be spaced out sometimes I guess. Much like being Out to Lunch!
I agree this should have been sent as “alert” something all can marvel at Ma Rabu Maasecha Hashem.A fire in tent city isn’t something we needed to be alerted to.
I’m still spacing out…I’m hoping to see Mars…
You are not supposed to take pictures of the moon. Ask your Rav.
I saw it!
i agree when the earth gets this boring we go to space for news!
The martians on Venus are looking at us wondering what strange planet Lakewood is.
Reb Rambo:They are probably attracted to those Bright Pedestrian Signs all over Clifton Ave!!!
finally some interesting news!!
It’s also called the evening star, and is the first “star” visible in the western sky in the early evening at sunset, thought it’s not a star it’s a planet.
#8: the martians on venus? Lakewood is a planet? good grief.
To “You are not supposed to take pictures of the moon. Ask your Rav”
thats the most rediculous thing i ever heard !
#13,you are obviously a new comer to TLS.
The last few nights _ including the end of Adar – there were two bright things near the moon. Which is Venus, and what is the second one?
To #13,you are obviously a new comer to TLS.
thats the second most rediculous thing , why would you say that ?????
the moon and planets are photographed all the time ,did you ever hear of the hubble telescope which photographs things much deeper in space than our own planets ???????????