Did that loud boom wake you up this morning?

Hundreds in the area say they woke up from that loud thunder boom approximately 7:20 AM this morning which shook homes in the area.

Did you hear/feel it?

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  1. Relax. I was in middle of shachris then. The sky was dark and it was preceded by a lighting strike 5 seconds earlier.

    To the one who wrote the fixture fell down, have your fixtures checked, that means it wasn’t installed correctly.

  2. woke us up. I thought it was a bomb. I was really scared for a moment my son thought that a tree fell down in our yard . the whole house shook

  3. Yes! It woke me up and the house shook and I jumped out of bed and thought there was either bomb or worse chv. Was definitely very loud and powerful and just shows us again how powerful Hashem is. I couldn’t fall back asleep after.

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