[Contact Info] Disaster relief for Hurricane Irene is now available to residents, businesses and communities in South Jersey and the entire state, Domenick DiCicco said today. “Our region was knocked off its feet from flooding before Irene delivered a second round of devastation,” DiCicco said. “Our residents need relief and I’m glad Governor Christie was able to work with President Obama to make sure South Jersey was eligible for federal disaster assistance.”
Federal aid is now available in all 21 New Jersey counties.
Residents and small businesses can apply to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, or FEMA, for different types of assistance, including temporary housing, repair, replacement or other needs such as disaster unemployment assistance and small business disaster loans.
Residents who sustained damage from Hurricane Irene should apply for disaster assistance even if they have insurance or aren’t certain whether they are eligible.
“FEMA exists to help us through disasters like Hurricane Irene and everyone who has suffered a loss should take advantage of disaster relief,” DiCicco said. “Our area has suffered tremendous loss over the past month and we have a long recovery ahead of us, but I’m confident we’ll pull through and rebuild our communities better than before.”
To register for federal relief, contact FEMA at 800-621-FEMA (3362) or TTY 800-462-7585 for those with hearing or speech impairments. The lines are open from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., seven days a week.
Registration is also available online at www.DisasterAssistance.gov, or through a web-enabled mobile device or smartphone by visiting m.fema.gov and following the link to “apply online for federal assistance.” TLS.
Bottom line my basement flooded and carpet needs replacing. Will the Gov pay or not???? YES OR NO
Call your insurance company. If you have insurance it should be covered. If you don’t have insurance – you should pay. I don’t want my tax money, where all government gets its money, paying for your negligence.
I didn’t have power from Saturday night till Wednesday afternoon. Everything in my fridge and freezer went bad. Will FEMA reimburse me for that??
insurance doesn’t cover floods, it was an act of g-d, a storm not negligence you (moderated).
#3 fema will not reimburse for food.
This question and answer was posted on FEMA’s website.
My electricity was off for 5 days and I lost all my food; can FEMA help?
Food loss is not covered by FEMA’s Individual and Households Program (IHP). Voluntary organizations in the disaster area may be able to help you with food needs
no rugs no food this is for people who lost their houses, you are lucky