Devorah Stubin – A Legacy of Giving

ds[Submitted by member of Hatzolah of Passaic/Clifton] To those who knew her, Devorah Stubin gave more to others in her short life than anyone thought possible. She gave of her time, of her spirit and of her good cheer. Her own personal challenges were forgotten when she saw that friends, neighbors or even strangers needed a helping hand or a friendly smile. Giving to others was her defining characteristic.

The sad story of her death need not end her giving. She has left a precious legacy even to those of us who only knew her through the dramatic story of her untimely and tragic passing. It is a legacy of caring, of commitment and of community. It is a legacy of diverse people coming together, desperately clinging to the hope that this was not the end – that the wonderful story of giving that she was writing every day of her life would continue.

Hatzolah, an international network of volunteer ambulance corps, spearheaded the search for Devorah together with local law enforcement and other community groups. Now that the search is over, Devorah’s shul, Bais Torah U’Tfilah in Passaic, NJ, together with her family, wish to dedicate a new ambulance to their local Hatzolah in her memory. In this way, Devorah’s legacy will come alive each time a Hatzolah volunteer drops whatever he is doing to help someone in need.

Devorah taught us how to give. With this ambulance we will show her, her family and her community that we have learned that lesson well. It is the least we can do to keep her legacy of giving alive.

Help continue her legacy, Donate today. Donations can be mailed to BTU – The Devorah Stubin Memorial Ambulance Fund 218 Aycrigg Avenue Pasaaic, NJ 07055 or made online at

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