Deputy Mayor Albert Akerman and Committeeman Meir Lichtenstien will oversee the Fire Budget for the Township Committee, Mayor Menashe Miller said. The Township Committee members have 30 days to review the budget and make recommendations as to what and where the budger should or could be cut, before presenting it to the rest of the Committee for final voting.
Last year, after the budget was voted down, the Committee voted a reduction of $432,648.00 before approving it.
This year’s budget was defeated 601 – 205. TLS.
If 601 people voted against the budget I’m sure there are thousands that were not able to go vote because it was motzei shabbos!
I trust that both Lichtenstein and Akerman will delve into the budget and meet with the commissioners prior to presenting their solution.
You can’t take out what isn’t in there!!!
Be careful what you cut, remember the Fire Budget was the ONLY budget that was in the black and had NO employee lay offs. Cut enough and it will be as in debt as the others.
I think they should not CUT the budget but only cut the yearly surplus of over $600000 !!
Merge Fire and EMS together like on many state and county Budgets. Fire can become EMT responders and EMT’s who want can be come Fire.
This way you have in house staff to fight a fire not just 2 men on an engine going onto a burning house. The people on ambulances can also do fire fighting while caring for others as the volunteer staff show up.
Days are tough for these people getting to fire and might be the right thing to do.
They should use all surplus monies ! They have millions in the bank ,because they inflated all they’re expenses for years…… I think after this election they realized the taxpayers are very concerned and would like drastic change………
We have lots of confidence and respect for Albert Akerman, he will do the right thing to resolve these important concerns of the taxpayers.
let’s be very careful not to put the fire department into financial problems like the rest of the township. keep in mind all of the money that the fire department has saved the taxpayers.
They have millions in the bank ,because they inflated all they’re expenses for years……
The internet, a sewer of miss-information
As a Los Angeles Firefighter ,
I Sure hope they don’t cut the budget by to much as it might put the firefighters in danger! I also don’t think that voting down a fire budget that is so low is Not the proper respect to show to your volunteers that put ther line on the life! I hope the committee and commissioners can come to an agreement on the budget quickly. I have seen many times volunteers leaving a department due to budget and safety issues that have resulted in the town going to a mostly paid department that ends up hut the tax payers who tried saving small money!
A Los Angeles Firefighter Engine 63
Cut the budget enough to cause safety concerns and you will have to find enough money to fully staff the fire houses for this town. Approximately 16 men (women) to make the fire department run properly staffed 24/7. What will that do to your budget?
If its not broke, don’t fix it.
I have one question why didn’t the fire commissioners explain or answer the question as to why they have over $600000 a year in surplus and millions in the bank from these surpluses??
Do not believe everything the media tells you!
This years budget the commissioners proposed, was about 3.2 million
With about 2.6 million coming from the taxpayers where do you think the other $600,000 is coming from? It is coming from the surplus that is not the millions ported by some it is 2.5 million.
The reason for a surplus is that a fire truck costs about $600,000 and the fire dept does not bond trucks as that ends up costing intreats and fees! Compare lakewoods budget to toms rivers of 7.2 million for 1 district.
OK you will print this lie Quote”They have millions in the bank ,because they inflated all they’re expenses for years……
but wont print my oppinion about getting politicians involved in over seeing the fire budget WHY ??????????????????????
From #13 to #14 this money in the bank is not allowed to be used for trucks that’s a separate account with another 1.2 million besides for all the surplus!
Take it all from the slush fund surplus!! A single penny more in taxes is one too many!!
It seems that the present fire commissioners are just ignoring us hoping the surpluses and millions in the bank will remain the same!! But guess what I didn’t vote this year but if things don’t change for the better I will vote and bring all my friends to vote!!
Why do you think the commisioners want to keep the millions in the bank? Forthem selfs? I don’t think so! It is so they can continue to provide the safety to the firefighter and the proper service to the town. Not for there own use. Aparantly every person knows how to run the budget. A good budget is a budget with extra for unforseen expenses!
I think they should make a public statement and clarify to the taxpayers whats the surplus of 600000 a year is for ? What the millions in the bank are going to be spent on ? Its our money in they’re bank accounts! The taxpayers prevailed in the elections because the fire Commissioners failed!
They lost an election in big numbers because the taxpayers are not confident with the job they are doing! And they are still trying to use all of they’re tactics! The voters sent a very LOUD and CLEAR message to change before we have to change you!
I hope the Commissioners get the message or else next year there will be 2000 voters voting in a new commissioner to send the message louder and clearer!
I think Larry will bring oversite to the budget. That is why i went out and voted for him. I dont think many of you commenters here voted so please dont talk as if you care wen u dont even vote.
some really ignorant things being said here about LFD, keep it up and there won’t be any volunteers .That will cost you big time if you have to hire an all full time paid dept !!
Is 600000 meant to be 6 million or is it 6 hundred thousand?
Funny, the lies about the LFD you keep printing.
How bout a little truth?
to # 25
aaah, you know,. 600,000 or 6,000,000 , we can exaggerate a little.
Are we still crying over this hyped up mess?!?! This is ridiculous! The concerned “voters” sent a loud and clear message … Change or be changed? What or which commissioners meetings were you at to voice concerns or ask questions over the last year? Who can explain why or where in the budget it is over inflated? Where is the evidence? Did you request a copy of the budget?Or are there more “ghost people” who were denied their right to a copy like the “ghost people” who we’re denied applications to join the volunteers? Stop making up stories from your bedroom! If you are this bored with your life than get a hobby like stamp collecting! How many more times can these guys say what your tax dollars are getting you? I am at a loss as to why trouble makers who are the minority in a group are capable of convincing or coercing the majority to follow them blindly! Must be human nature! Well, I feel sorry that you think the Fire Commissioners of Lakewood Township have deceived you in some way! Considering they are tax paying residents themselves, I feel you have cast judgement unfairly upon them! You obviously have not met them, shook their hand or sat in on a meeting to see first hand what they are all about!
The last time I looked out the window, fire apparatus did not grow on trees! So, when it comes time to replace an obviously aged fire apparatus the money saved over time would be used rather than financing! Is that not fiscally responsible?? Or should we put the pennies back to the people now just raise taxes tomorrow!?
Educate yourself! Ask questions! Voice concerns! But, please don’t be Henny Penny the sky is falling! Get your facts straight and be careful who tells you how you should exercise your right to vote! It is your right!